LabVIEW in 3 Hours. What is Test & Measurement? Keypad Functionality Keypad Functionality LCD Testing LCD Testing Sound Quality Sound Quality Acoustic.

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Presentation on theme: "LabVIEW in 3 Hours. What is Test & Measurement? Keypad Functionality Keypad Functionality LCD Testing LCD Testing Sound Quality Sound Quality Acoustic."— Presentation transcript:

1 LabVIEW in 3 Hours

2 What is Test & Measurement? Keypad Functionality Keypad Functionality LCD Testing LCD Testing Sound Quality Sound Quality Acoustic Quality Acoustic Quality RF Signal Analysis RF Signal Analysis Battery Test

3 Engineering – Industries Telecom Chemical Processing Electronics Military Aerospace Biomedical Transportation Semiconductor Automotive Manufacturing Test Industries

4 Instrumentation


6 Data Acquisition

7 Hardware and Driver Software Virtual Instrumentation Application Software Network

8 Virtual Instrumentation Architecture LabVIEW Data Acquisition and Signal Conditioning Vision PXI/CompactPCI Distributed I/O PLCs GPIB/Serial and VXI Modular Instrumentation Instrument / Data Acquisition Drivers

9 Section I – The LabVIEW Environment LabVIEW terms Components of a LabVIEW application LabVIEW programming tools Creating an application in LabVIEW

10 LabVIEW Programs Are Called Virtual Instruments (VIs)

11 2 Work areas: 1. Front Panel Controls = Inputs to the computer

12 2 Work areas: LabVIEW Programs Are Called Virtual Instruments (VIs) 1. Front Panel Controls = Inputs to the computer Indicators = Outputs from the computer

13 LabVIEW Programs Are Called Virtual Instruments (VIs) 2. Block Diagram Instruction set for controls, indicators “Source Code” 2 Work areas: 1. Front Panel Controls = Inputs to the computer Indicators = Outputs from the computer

14 LabVIEW Graphical Development Environment

15 Boolean Control Double Indicator Waveform Graph Panel Toolbar VI Front Panel Pull-down menu

16 VI Block Diagram Thermometer Terminal Data Acquisition Function While Loop Stop Button Terminal Stop Loop Terminal Temperature Indicator Delay Pull-down menu

17 Controls and Functions Palettes Graphical, floating palettes Used to place controls & indicators on the front panel, or to build the block diagram Functions Palette (Block Diagram Window) Controls Palette (Front Panel Window)

18 Operating Tool Positioning/Resizing Tool Labeling Tool Coloring Tool Tools Palette (Front Panel)

19 Operating Tool Positioning/Resizing Tool Labeling Tool Coloring Tool Wiring Tool Breakpoint Tool Probe Tool Tools Palette (Block Diagram) Automatic Selection

20 Run Button Continuous Run Button Abort Execution Pause/Continue Button Text Settings Align Objects Distribute Objects Reorder Execution Highlighting Button Step Into Button Step Over Button Step Out Button Additional Buttons on the Diagram Toolbar Status Toolbar

21 Run Button Continuous Run Button Abort Execution Pause/Continue Button Text Settings Align Objects Distribute Objects Reorder Execution Highlighting Button Step Into Button Step Over Button Step Out Button Additional Buttons on the Diagram Toolbar Status Toolbar

22 Basic Spectral Measurement.vi Open a Virtual Instrument

23 Template Browser

24 Create a New VI

25 Front Panel Window Creating a VI – Front Panel

26 Front Panel Window Creating a VI – Front Panel

27 Front Panel Window Creating a VI – Block Diagram Block Diagram

28 LabVIEW’s Context Help

29 Creating a VI – Adding Functions


31 wiring tool Wire attachment points (nodes) flash when the wiring tool is passed over Creating a VI – Wiring Right Click Node Terminals (communication ports)

32 Creating a VI – Adding Functions


34 Express Functions Same overall functionality

35 Section II What is a subVI? Creating a subVI Using a VI as a subVI

36 SubVIs LabVIEW is modular Any VI can be used as a subroutine (or subVI) to other programs Advantages –Modular –Easier to debug –Don’t have to recreate code

37 Creating a SubVI 1.Create code 2.Select code for use in subVI 3.Click Edit-Create subVI

38 Editing a SubVI

39 Insert the SubVI into a Top Level VI Accessing user-made subVIs Functions >> Select a VI Or Drag icon onto target diagram

40 Create SubVI from your code

41 View your subVI

42 Section III – Data Acquisition Data acquisition (DAQ) basics Connecting Signals Simple DAQ application

43 DAQ – Data Acquisition Plug-in board for a computer with: –Analog input channels –Analog output channels –Counters –Digital I/O Controlled by a suite of LabVIEW VIs Functions>>Data Acquisition

44 DAQ – Data Acquisition

45 Hardware Connections BNC-2120 SCB-68 SC-2075

46 Channel Connections + - Differential Measurement Single-Ended Measurement Ground Signal Motor Battery Signal 1 Signal 2

47 Analog Signals 1.659487387 volts 1010100111110ADC Data Acquisition System

48 Digital Signals

49 Measurement & Automation Explorer

50 Channel Connections Single-Ended Mode: ACHx and AIGND used to connect signal to channel x Differential Mode: ACH x, ACH x+8 used to connect signal to channel x Channel Connections

51 Section IV – Loops and Charts For Loop While Loop Charts Graphs

52 Loops While Loops –Terminated by condition –Always Runs Once –Delay between iterations may be added For Loops –Terminate after N iterations –N specified on block diagram

53 Loops (cont.) While Loop 1.Select the loop 2.Enclose Code to Repeat

54 Charts and Graphs Waveform Charts display a history of values over time - Strip Chart (continuous scrolling) - Scope Chart (repeatedly redraws over the same region) - Sweep Chart (redraws curve to the right of the old curve) Waveform Graphs and X-Y Graphs - Wavefrom Graphs plot Y for regular increments of X - X-Y Graphs plot Y vs. X for any X-Y sets (non-regular)

55 Charts Waveform chart – special numeric indicator that can display a history of values Controls >> Graphs >> Waveform Chart

56 Wiring Data into Charts Single Plot ChartsMultiplot Charts

57 Combining data onto one graph

58 File I/O Using The LVM Express Function

59 File I/O Using Traditional Functions Read/write to spreadsheet file Read/write characters to file (ASCII) Read lines from file Read/write binary file Easy File I/O VIs

60 Conclusion See www.ni.com for more help, examples

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