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Al Capone.

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Presentation on theme: "Al Capone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Al Capone

2 Make a police report on Al Capone
Use these subheadings Name and Background Gang Location Industries controlled Why hasn’t he been caught? Different opinions of Capone Final years

3 Why is Al Capone important?
One of America’s best known gangsters The greatest symbol of the collapse of law and order in the USA during the Prohibition era

4 The story… Born in Naples in 1899, Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone’s parents emigrated to America At the age of 18 he had his face slashed in a row over a girl. This earned him the nickname ‘Scarface’. He began his life of crime running errands for Chicago gangster Jim Colosimo. In 1920 Colosimo was murdered by the Torrio gang. Capone could either switch sides or get revenge.

5 The Torrio gang made a deal with Capone.
He joined them and when Torrio was hurt in a gang attack in 1925, Capone took over as leader.

6 Capone rented a 5 room suite at the Metropole hotel and used it as the base for his operations

7 What did he control? Speakeasies Bookie joints Brothels Nightclubs
Distilleries Horse tracks breweries

8 Why wasn’t he caught? Capone always had an alibi
He bribed many officials He installed his own mayor in Chicago! He had an extensive spy network Skilful at killing any enemies before they got too powerful

9 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre
The turning point Shocked and horrified many Americans

10 Capone finally arrested for tax evasion
Spent 1931 – 1939 in Alcatraz Showed signs of dementia from syphillis When he was released, the rest of his life was spent quietly Died 25th Jan 1947

11 “ I make my money by supplying a public demand
“ I make my money by supplying a public demand. If I break the law, my customers, who number hundreds of the best people in Chicago, are as guilty as I am. The only difference between us is that I sell and they buy. People call me a racketeer. I call myself a businessman”

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