Magnificent And Marvelous Development of Telecoms & I.T – What Next? By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata.

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Presentation on theme: "Magnificent And Marvelous Development of Telecoms & I.T – What Next? By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magnificent And Marvelous Development of Telecoms & I.T – What Next? By DR T.H. CHOWDARY Director: Center for Telecom Management and Studies Fellow: Tata Consultancy Services Chairman: Pragna Bharati (intellect India ) Former: Chairman & Managing Director Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited & Information Technology Advisor, Government of Andhra Pradesh T: +91(40) 6667-1191(O) 2784-3121® F: +91 (40) 6667-1111 World Telecom & Information Society Day: IE, Hyd 17 th May 2012

2 Apply, Apply – No Reply Haath haath mein Cell Phone Magnificent, marvelous development of Telecoms & I.T due to Liberalisation End to monopolies New technologies No sector matches telecoms

3 Spectacular Rise of Affordability Year (1) PCI (2) Year’s spend on phones (3) Ratio (4) (2)to(3) TelephonesTeledensity 2004Rs. 10,000 1:110m1% 2012Rs. 65,000Rs. 2,50021:1950m80%

4 S452_Nov20104 PCI A X TSP Time (a) Affordability A PCI/ Tele-Service Price - PCI: Per Capita Income - TSP: Telephone Service Price - A: Affordability How we achieved this thc_ctms

5 The Road Traversed NTP 1994, NTP 1999, NTP 2012 bear out the truth Vaasaamsi jeernani yatha vihaaya Navaani grihnaati naro-aparani New facts, new policies Supply is creating demand – – new applications, new devices, new services Relentless migration to electronic form- e-commerce, e-books, e-learning, e-ticketing, e- marriage, e-talaq too…

6 Spanner in the Wheel TRAI’s high-10 times more – reserve price for auction of 2G spectrum Prices would go up 3 to 10 times Rural penetration & usage suffers Telcos will wilt- 2G is not comparable to 3G, 4G… Urban teledensity -85% Rural = 40% New markets in rural areas -capital intensive -revenue poor

7 Flaws in TRAI’s Views Migrating 2G Telcos to 1800 MHZ Parts of Existing network to be abandoned More cell sites; nearly double Value of spectrum cannot be linearly projected TRAI expects 50% data on 2G; but that would go to 3G/4G operators; its price rise is under- estimate

8 Role of TRAI Is its mandate to generate/increase revenue to government ? or Increase affordability and coverage & variety Why cell towers need to take unified licence and pay a revenue share. TRAI assumes a revenue of Rs. 1900 cr to Government from Tower cos! Why should FDI be brought down from 100% to 74%. Do electric power transmission towers and distribution poles require licence & give revenue share?

9 DOT- Promotes or Retards Departments of I.T, Electronics, Renewable Energy, Tourism plead to promote the interest of their charges. DOT restricts, burdens, pains and punishes. “Abominable no-men” … nay sayers”

10 What May be Done (1/2) Wind up Telecom Commission. Recharge DOT. Purge the TRAI – Remove IAS, from TRAI (lovers of permit-licence-quota raj) Remove Deputationists from DOT (practitioners of monopoly)

11 What may be done to TRAI (2/2) Put liberal economists wealth creators & great businessmen. Social scientists.  Engineers and IAS people without vision and a social philosophy could be disastrous. DHANYAWAD: THANK YOU

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