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The Church – can it be a healing community? An initial exploration.

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1 The Church – can it be a healing community? An initial exploration

2 Some background information Church Growth movement and Dinamiese Gemeentebou Interaction with churches and the members of their leadership teams in >60 countries Interaction with hospitals and healthcare professionals in >60 countries Involvement Lausanne Networking EEA, EEMA, Hope for Europe Transform, Call2All

3 Ephesians 4 vision for local church v.11 And indeed He gave some to be apostles; and some prophets; and some evangelists; and some pastors and teachers; v.12 with a view to the maturing of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ, v.13 until we all may come to the unity of the faith and of the full knowledge of the Son of God, to a full-grown man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…

4 Ephesians 4: 15-16 Ten keys for healing communities 1-10 = Keys towards becoming healing communities Speaking the truth in love 1, we will in every respect grow up 2 into Him 3 who is the head 4, the Messiah. Under his control, the whole body 5 is being fitted and held together 6 by the support of every joint, with each part 7 working to fulfil its function 8 ; this is how the body grows and builds itself up 9 in love 10.

5 The Ten Keys 1.Speaking the truth in love1, 2.we will in every respect grow up2 3.into Him3 4.who is the head4, 5.the Messiah. Under his control, the whole body5 being fitted and held together6 the support of every joint, with each part7 8.working to fulfil its function8; 9.this is how the body grows and builds itself up9 love10. 1.Communication 2.Maturation 3.Christ-centred way 4.Submission 5.Inclusiveness 6.Unity 7.Everybody ministering 8.Process orientation 9.Building up together 10.Agape love

6 Some Questions to Wrestle with What is the relationship between my local church and the locality church? How strongly developed are the links between my local church and the locality church? Or do we have a case of amputated body parts spread over the same locality?

7 10 Keys and 10 Hindrances towards forming a healing community 1.Communication 2.Maturation 3.Christ-centred way 4.Submission 5.Inclusiveness 6.Unity 7.Everybody ministering 8.Process orientation 9.Building up together 10.Agape love 1.Isolation / Avoidance 2.Childishness 3.Secular theories/models 4.Rebellion 5.Rejection 6.Factions / party spirit 7.Specialist ministry only 8.Instant everything 9.Destructive words/deeds 10.Egoism

8 What is healing? It is shalom (Total Life Fitness) Shalom is peace and harmony in relationships: –With God (All three persons in the Trinity) –With one another (tribe, people, family, church, workplace, society…) –With own physical body (part of Total Life Fitness) –With environment (Christian care of environment) Shalom = fruit of loving God and neighbour Shalom: partially attainable in a broken world

9 How become a healing community? Needed: Core group of servant leaders with vision to put Ephesians 4 into practice together Essential: involvement of pastor and leaders Multiplication of core group until the whole church is functioning according to Ephesians 4 Whole local church serving to bring shalom: own and other ethnic groups locally and worldwide Important: Ministry to the sick not to be limited to own members only  shalom in community

10 Becoming healing communities - 1 1.Preaching: 1.Total Life Fitness 2.Health as shalom in all areas of life 3.Integration of faith and science under Christ Jesus 2.Shalom services in church with ministry for shalom in all areas of life 3.Training of pastoral team to promote Total Life Fitness 4.Cell groups with ministry time and feedback 5.Courses: Healing of the inner person, e.g. “Walls of my heart” by dr. Bruce Thompson

11 Becoming healing communities - 2 6.Support healthcare staff as your missionaries 7.Ministry to local community (esp. the poor): 1.Healthy Heart Clinic at festivals / markets (Check condition of both hearts; give appropriate advice) 2.Parish nurse ministry / community nursing project 3.Local church clinic 4.Christian general practice as church ministry 5.Christian hospice/ orphanage/ home care 8.Volunteer Chaplain training and ministry 9.Involvement in National Healthcare Sunday

12 How does our Lord want you to promote Shalom? In the local church? In the community? In your relationships? –With Him –With other persons at home, work, community –With your own body –With environment

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