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Parts of a Flower 5 th Grade. Parts of a Flower.

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1 Parts of a Flower 5 th Grade

2 Parts of a Flower



5 What does the Anther do? Holds pollen grains

6 What is the pistil? The female part of the plant that has the stigma, style, and ovary

7 What is the style? The stalklike part of the pistil

8 What is the stigma? The top part of the pistil

9 What is the ovary? The base of the pistil that contains egg cells

10 Where are the petals?

11 What are the sepals? The outer leaf-like parts

12 What is a stamen? The thin stalklike structures with the anther and filament

13 Flowers Differ Complete Flowers: have sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils Incomplete Flowers: are missing on the the flower parts above

14 Perfect Flowers: have both male and female parts -Male parts: stamen (with anther and filaments) -Female parts: pistils (with ovary, style, & stigma)

15 Imperfect Flowers: have either pistils or stamens, but not both

16 Examples of Complete Flowers Roses Hibiscus

17 Examples of Incomplete Flowers Squash Flowers & Zucchini Flowers

18 Seed = an embryo (immature plant) Largest seed in the world:

19 Why do flowers have different aromas? (smells) To attract pollinators (insects, hummingbirds, etc) who eat the flower’s sugary nectar Insects will get pollen on their bodies, and as the insect moves around the flower, it transfers the pollen to other parts of the flower so that fertilization can happen and new seeds can be created

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