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Treatment of Non-ideality in Sedimentation Velocity Experiments Walter Stafford, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, MA 02472 U.S.A.

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Presentation on theme: "Treatment of Non-ideality in Sedimentation Velocity Experiments Walter Stafford, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, MA 02472 U.S.A."— Presentation transcript:

1 Treatment of Non-ideality in Sedimentation Velocity Experiments Walter Stafford, Boston Biomedical Research Institute, Watertown, MA U.S.A.

2 Hydrodynamic vs Thermodynamic non-ideality

3 Generally empirical backflow (A.J. Rowe …) charge effects (Donnan equilibrium) Except for large asymmetric proteins, charge effects usually dominate backflow.

4 Both hydrodynamic and thermodynamic contributions
Except for large asymmetric proteins, charge effects usually dominate excluded volume effects.

5 Frictional coefficient
HYDRODYNAMIC Frictional coefficient Affects both s and D

6 Hydrodynamic c-dependence = same for s and D
FD=gradient of chemical potential FC=gradient of centrifugal potential frictional resistance is the same for both

7 Thermodynamic concentration dependence
Excluded volume and Donnan equilibrium

8 Colligative virial coefficients
B, C and D are the 2nd, 3rd and fourth virial colligative coefficients, respectively. (McMillan and Mayer, 1945, statistical thermodynamics)

9 Combined hydrodynamic and thermodynamic concentration dependence of D


11 Expansion truncated after the 2nd virial term …
(Cf. Also Harding and Johnson, 1985; and Alex Solovyova et al, 2001)

12 Expansion truncated after the 2nd virial term …
And further approximation … (both Harding and Johnson, 1985; and Alex Solovyova et al, 2001)

13 Self-associating system
Multiple Species Self-associating system

14 Cross terms … Single species (no cross terms) Multiple species (cross terms)

15 However … Self-associating system all species must have the same charge to mass ratio and frictional ratio


17 g(s) 6 Non-ideal reversible monomer-dimer system Protein-X Highest c
Lowest c Intermediate c


19 Sedanal Global fitting with SEDANAL
l = 280 nm and 220 nm; path length = 12mm and 3 mm


21 Global fitting with SEDANAL
l = 280 nm; path length = 12mm and 3 mm

22 Extend to higher concentrations
Future plans Extend to higher concentrations

23 Add higher order terms …


25 Donnan equilibrium For uni-univalent electrolyte e.g. NaCl
Roark and Yphantis 1971 Biochemistry


27 "Significant" is >= 1% contribution

28 Excluded volume effects

29 Hard sphere approx. or some other model

30 Hard Sphere models Minton 2007 J. Pharm Sci.

31 Scattering … Minton 2007, Biophys J.

32 Poly-disperse system


34 Conclusions Non-ideality in interacting systems Simple linear approach
Expand to higher order terms of virial expansion with cross-terms Or use direct function


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