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Lisbon, 17.1.08Marie Curie Research Training Network, Contract No. MRTN-CT-2006-035536 Participation in Multi-Level Governance Short presentation Felix.

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Presentation on theme: "Lisbon, 17.1.08Marie Curie Research Training Network, Contract No. MRTN-CT-2006-035536 Participation in Multi-Level Governance Short presentation Felix."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lisbon, 17.1.08Marie Curie Research Training Network, Contract No. MRTN-CT-2006-035536 Participation in Multi-Level Governance Short presentation Felix Rauschmayer and Augustin Berghöfer, UFZ

2 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Multi-level Governance Problem is meeting regulation Different possibilities of participation at different levels 2 Examples: Cormorant North Sea Regional Advisory Council

3 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Conflicts with Fish Predators – the European Cormorant Case During the 1960s: only several hundred breeding pairs; 1979: Strictly protected by European Birds Directive Todays estimates: 0,5 - 1,6 mio. birds migrating all over Europe 0,5kg fish/day: Since the 1990s increasing conflicts with fisheries and aquaculture

4 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Participation at the local level Portugal: Newly established dialogue Creating a mutually beneficial solution through conflict coupling and empowerment

5 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Participation at the regional level Italy – Province of Ferrara Participation of most stakeholders Provincial regulations, apparently fair and competent No effect on state or impact Germany – State of Saxony Participation of most stakeholders State regulations, apparently internally fair and competent Effect on impact through financial compensation

6 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Participation at the national level Denmark: Long tradition of participation at the national level Wrong knowledge format Roundtable as arena for presenting opposing interests not always conducive to fair and competent decision making France National management plan highly influenced by fishermen Large-scale, but not very effective culling Participation influenced the output (regulation), but not necessarily the outcome (less fish eaten)

7 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Participation at the European level EU: Restricted participation in ORNIS committee Any real steps blocked through vetoing power of Member States Lobbying through national governments and EP

8 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Multi-level Governance ? Many different entry points Mono-level participation research exists What are the multi-level aspects? Can local fishermen /bird watcher participate in processes on other levels? What about internationally oriented scientists at local levels? What about the links between local and European participation? Where is there type 1 and where type 2 MLG and does this have an effect on participation?

9 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Multi-level governance in the North Sea Fish: mobile, common, renewable but overexploited resource EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) since 1983: hierarchical structure for setting quotas of total allowable catch per region. Top-down process and single sector planning. CFP reform 2002: progress towards opening the process to more actors and issues: from single stocks to coastal/marine systems

10 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Coordination reguirements: horizontal: among local and sub-national governments, fisheries organisations, research institutions and ENGOs, and also with their counterparts at same level but next door vertical: with their counterparts at national, neighbouring country and EU levels. thematic: with actors from other issues (positioned at different levels) : traffic routes, energy (wind and oil), MPAs Multi-level governance in the North Sea

11 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting New cross-scale linkages ICES stock assessment Before: ICES scientists produced official advice on stocks+quotas for EU CFP, industry lobbyed at Member State level (against them). Now: Making this report includes hearings with independent scientists and those from stakeholders – seeking to improve the quality of assessments and their legitimacy. North Sea Regional Advisory Council – cross-sector coordination Official forum for industry (2/3) and other stakeholders (1/3) (ENGOs) to provide consensus advice on fishery and marine spatial planning to the EU

12 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Difficulties of participation in multi-level setting of marine policy Fishery is managed at EU level, but marine spatial planning (incl. fishery) is multi-lateral. Costs of participation are high – at which level should stakeholders focus their effort, if influence of political arenas is fluid? CFP 2002 initiated bottom-up process to inform reform processes – but failed to maintain transparency across various levels.

13 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Group discussions on your past-case experiences Participation which kind of? who participated? (stakeholder/citizens) Was there a multi-level process? Where on the participation ladder? MLG How is authority distributed among levels, What are the links between levels? Did this influence the participatory process and how?

14 10. – 12. January 2007Kick-off Meeting Groups 1.Catrin, Raphael, Matteo, Patricia, Dimitris 2.Minna, Cathy, Mireia, Augustin, Paula, Ilona 3.Oli, Sonja, Cordula, Anna, Felix, Barbara

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