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Animal friends.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal friends."— Presentation transcript:

1 Animal friends


3 Sea Cow Tarpan Tasmanian wolf

4 Dodo and passenger pigeon
Nikita Kanukov

5 dodo Dodo reached a height of 1 meter and weight pounds.


7 Diet and habitat

8 Passenger pigeon

9 Domestic animals

10 !Quiz! 1. Which of these animals is a pet? a) hamster b) tiger c)swan

11 !Quiz! 2. Which bird is extinct? a) ostrich b) dodo c)pigeon

12 !Quiz! 3. Hamsters can have diabetes. a) yes b) no

13 !Quiz! 4. Hamsters eat grasshoppers and roaches. a) yes b)no

14 !Quiz! 5. Which of these animals is wild? a) dog b) lion c)guinea pig

15 !Quiz! 6. Which of these animals is a penguin? a) b) c)

16 !Quiz! 7. Which of these animals is a pigeon? a) b) c)

17 Thank you 

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