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FIA-IM Forest Inventory and Analysis Information Management.

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Presentation on theme: "FIA-IM Forest Inventory and Analysis Information Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 FIA-IM Forest Inventory and Analysis Information Management

2 Who are we? A group of Information Technology and GIS specialists located in Portland and Anchorage. A group of Information Technology and GIS specialists located in Portland and Anchorage.

3 What do we do? GIS Support GIS Support Data Base expertise Data Base expertise Oracle and MS Access Oracle and MS Access Programming Services Programming Services Training Training Data Distribution Data Distribution Hardware support Hardware support PDR, Laptop, Printer, GPS PDR, Laptop, Printer, GPS

4 Data Availability  Integrated Data Base (IDB)  Periodic (Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington)  Juniper  Western and Eastern Washington  Annual 2000-2002 (2003 June/04)  GIS requests  Fuzzed plot coordinates

5 The Pacific Northwest – Forest Inventory and Analysis Integrated Database A database of forest inventory information for California, Oregon, and Washington

6 IDB distribution  Contact Otha Terry (  Version 1.4 release in April

7 Periodic data distribution  Contact George Breazeale (  Visit the FIADB ( Data, Mapping tools, Tabler

8 Juniper  So close we can taste a Juniper Berry………

9 Annual data distribution  Direct contact  FIADB in near future

10 GIS/REMOTE SENSING SUPPORT GROUP Grid management plot locations tracking of plots amongst various inventories Spatial data management Mapping support for analysis and publications GIS support for field operations

11 Spatial data availablility Biomass map of the United States (including Alaska) June 2004 Coordinates (see table) Forest type map of the United States (including Alaska) June 2004 Forest/non-forest map of the United States (including Alaska) June 2004

12 So when will fuzzed coordinates be available?? 1995200919971998200020012002200320042005200620071996200819992010 Alaska California Oregon Washington Pacific Islands 201120122013 PP P P P PPPP P P IDB – (periodic, FIA/R5/R6) FIADB – (periodic FIA) FIADB – FIA Annual 2000-2003 panels FIADB – FIA Annual 2004 panel FIADB – FIA Annual 2005 panel FIADB – FIA Annual 2006 panel, etc

13 How can I keep up with all these changes?? – lots of info about FIA, links to FIADB Dale Weyermann (503) 808-2042 PNW FIA access for confidentiality questions: web access: Elizabeth LaPoint (610) 557-4049 Forest Inventory and Analysis Spatial Data Services:

14 Let’s talk tools  Mapmaker (FIADB)  FVS  VIM  NIMS

15 FIADB mirrors field procedures Field Data  Plot  Subplot  Condition  Tree  Seedling  Site tree  Boundary  Oracle Tables Plot Subplot Condition Tree Seedling Site tree Boundary Survey & County

16 Forest Inventory and Analysis Mapmaker Run Forest Inventory Mapmaker program. The user inputs the following information: 1) geographic area of interest (state/county retrieval or radius retrieval) 2) attribute of interest (timberland area, number of trees, growing-stock volume, etc.) 3) optional filters (for restricting the query to a specific ownership, species, etc.) 4) classification variables to be used for columns and rows and the web application generates the resulting table. If the user selects County or Congressional District as the row variable a shaded county map is generated.


18 Two-way table (rows and columns) TotalOther 41001 Baker209,445 41003 Benton236,567 41005 Clackamas322,254 41007 Clatsop439,226 41009 Columbia322,494 41011 Coos642,741 41013 Crook683,356 Total2,856,083 Forest Inventory Mapmaker Version 1.0 Geographic area of interest is Oregon 1999 cycle 4 (Cycle 4 National Forest System land is not included: Western Oregon 1995-1997;Eastern Oregon 1998-1999 - Periodic inventory): Baker, Benton, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Crook. The attribute of interest is Area of forestland(acres). No filters were used. Pages are None. Rows are County code. Columns are National Forests.

19 PNW FVS File Creator Beta Version 1.1.0 Formats IDB data into FVS ready input files

20 IDB Database Connection

21 IDB Inventory

22 Vegetation Inventory and Monitoring Analysis Tool (VIM) A collaborative effort between the Interagency NWFP Effectiveness Monitoring and the Interagency Vegetation Inventory Unit Presented Statistical Advisory Group Meeting Dec. 11, 2003 Jim Alegria/Carol Apple BLM/FS Portland, Oregon

23 VIM – What is it? Application to allow easy access and analysis of inventory data to address complex questions about resources

24 Vegetation Data Currently includes: BLM - Current Vegetation Survey (CVS) NFS – Region 6 (CVS) Region 5 Future: FIA – PNW data

25 NIMS National Information Management System –Used to Load, Check, Compile, Output FIA data

26 Load Tables NIMS Core Tables Pass Edits? Nat’l Core NIMS “Core” Regional QA YesLoad Computations: National Regional FIADB Output

27 “Between the dream and reality lies the nightmare” Hunter S. Thompson Or in this case the Data Base!

28 V= b 0 *D 2 *b 1 *H


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