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LOT / ABM Meeting Malmö, May 9-10, 2012 Proposed analytical work for next ABM parcel Urs Mäder, Paul Wersin, Andreas Jenni Rock-Water Interaction Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "LOT / ABM Meeting Malmö, May 9-10, 2012 Proposed analytical work for next ABM parcel Urs Mäder, Paul Wersin, Andreas Jenni Rock-Water Interaction Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 LOT / ABM Meeting Malmö, May 9-10, 2012 Proposed analytical work for next ABM parcel Urs Mäder, Paul Wersin, Andreas Jenni Rock-Water Interaction Institute of Geological Sciences, University of Bern

2 Proposed work for new ABM parcel Trace minerals Focus on soluble salts (sulphates, carbonates) Clay context: WC, X i (minimize sample mass) Dissolved organic acids Performed qualitative measurements with IC. New separation columns: attempt to quantify LMWOA in aqueous extracts (possibly in combination with core infiltration experiments). Iron-bentonite interaction Analysis of interaction zone (SEM, XRD, XRF, XAS…) Collaboration with other labs (ABM and others)

3 Trace mineral components Trace mineral components control pore water composition and exchanger composition (Ca-sulfate, cristobalite/amorphous silica, calcite, dolomite, pyrite, solid organic material). Some trace components react rapidly relative to experimental timescales or even times for analytical procedures. LOT experience shows that re-distribution of trace minerals may be efficient and relatively rapid (Ca-sulfate). The distribution and re-distribution of trace mineral components should therefore also be investigated in conjunction with mass transfer processes observed in the ABM experiment.

4 MX-80 core infiltration experiment (LOT core); Metrosep ASUPP1_250 Standards on upper horizontal axis; bentonite samples #10-#15 Decreasing oa concentration from #10 to #15; Dissolve organic acids in MX-80 pore water Cl F system O1 O2 O3

5 Why look at Fe-bentonite interaction? Fe(0) + 2H 2 O  Fe 2+ + H 2 + 2OH - Prec. of corrosion products Fe-clay interactions Fe 3 O 4, GR, FeCO 3, FeS… >Fe(II)-clay, Fe-smectite, berthierine…. Mont. dissolution

6 A lot has already been done...  Destabilisation of structure by Fe(III) reduction (Lantenois et al. 2005)  Transformation to berthierine / chlorite at higher T (Cathelineau et al..)  Dissolution via corrosion induced pH increase (Kumpulainen et al. 2010)  Reaction of hydrogen with Fe(III) in clay (Didier et al. 2012) but process details are still not understood.

7 What about long-term?  Experimental artefacts from O 2 ingress  Transient effects may mask slow, long-term processes  Long-term simulations based on simplistic models Birgersson & Wersin 2011

8 Fe-bentonite in ABM (1)  Possibility to study longer term processes at realistic «accelerated» conditions  Valuabe experience gained from prev. field studies should allow adequate sampling/storage and analysis  Study interaction «skin» zone: SEM,  -XRD,  -XRF, XAS...

9 Fe-bentonite in ABM (2)  Different clay materials: interlayer cation, Fe content, accessories  Supported by modelling  Possibility to design new test with iron – avoid galvanic bridging to study corrosion (ABM-2)  Last bu not least: ABM team qualified to do the job

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