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ELGPN Workpackage 2: Developing Lifelong Guidance Systems Results of a mapping exercise Ronald G. Sultana Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Resarch.

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Presentation on theme: "ELGPN Workpackage 2: Developing Lifelong Guidance Systems Results of a mapping exercise Ronald G. Sultana Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Resarch."— Presentation transcript:

1 ELGPN Workpackage 2: Developing Lifelong Guidance Systems Results of a mapping exercise Ronald G. Sultana Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Resarch University of Malta

2 Long Term Objectives of the ELGPN Support for policy development Policy sharing Information gathering Policy analysis and research Use of reference tools Exploiting project outcomes Strengthening representative structures

3 Themes of the work packages Wkp1. Network management and chairmanship Wkp 2. Support for policy development and implementation at national level Wkp 3. Strengthening representative structures at national level Wkp 4. Synergy between EU funded projects on lifelong guidance Wkp 5. Support for outcome focused evidence-based practice and policy development Wkp 6. Monitoring and evaluation Wkp 7. Dissemination and exploitation (Valorisation)

4 Citizen-centred features Policy development features System-coordination features Targeting with universal provision Review features International features


6 Goals for WP2 Support for policy development and implementation at national level 1.To develop concrete approaches facilitating the development of: - national LLG policies - national LLG systems 2. Through: - identifying examples of policies at national level - identifying critical success/failure factors - abstracting key principles/key issues - sharing results with Network members - bringing to political attention at national / EU levels

7 Countries that responded to Mapping Questionnaire 1.Austria 2.Bulgaria 3.Cyprus 4.Czech Republic 5.Denmark 6.Finland 7.France 8.Germany 9.Greece 10.Hungary 11.Iceland 12.Ireland 13. Latvia 14. Lithuania 15. Malta 16. Norway 17. Poland 18. Portugal 19. Romania 20. Slovakia 21. Slovenia 22. Sweden 23. Turkey 24. UK (Scotland) __________ Missing: Belgium, Estonia, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Spain, UK (Eng, Wales, NI)

8 Citizen-centred Mgt Skills AccessAPELRightKey Role in QA Referral

9 Gaps in implementation of Resolution 1.Many citizens still do not have access to information and advice. 2.APEL services are still underdeveloped. 3.Wariness of embedding CG as legal entitlement. 4.Schools and workplaces offer limited opportunities to support development of career management skills. 5.Citizen input in QA of services is very limited.

10 Policy examples 1. Citizen-centred features - entitlement in legislation [Fi, Lt, Pl, Pt, Sw, Tk] - more suitable opening hours [Dk] - several curriculum initiatives [Cz, Fr, Gr, Ir, Lv, Lt, Sc] - guidance in core curricula [Fi] - APEL [Fr, Ge, Pt, Sw] - Youthreach / second chance education [Ir] - client feedback on quality of service in national database [Ir]

11 Policy development Integrated with LLL & empl. Co-ord policy devel. Clear roles Stakeholder involvement

12 Gaps in implementation of Resolution 1.Not all LLL and employability strategies have formally recognised the potential role of CG. 2.Cross sectoral collaboration remains a major challenge for most countries. 3.Stakeholder involvement in policy development is limited, and often sector bound.

13 Policy examples 2. Policy development features - national policies and strategy framework [Cz, Dk, Lt, Mt, Pl] - integrated in LLL strategy [A, B, Cy, Sk, Sl, Ir, Sc…] - interministerial delegate for youth guidance [Fr] - roles defined in relevant laws [Pl, Pt] - stakeholder thematic working groups [Fi]

14 System co-ordination Local partner- ships Co-ord of educ & empl Wkplace guidance Partners In service mgt Central frame- works

15 Gaps in implementation of Resolution 1.Different rationale and contrasting interpretations of CG between sectors. 2.National guidance forums and other collaborative structures still fragile. 3.Focus is still on welfare of existing organizational arrangements, rather than with systemic restructuring.

16 Policy examples 3. System co-ordination features - National / Regional Guidance Forums [several countries] - ‘Missions locales’ & ‘maisons de’emploi’ [Fr] - ‘Reseau pour l’insertion des jeunes’ [Fr] - co-ordination mechanisms [Ee, Ir, It, Lt, Lv, No] - role of EKEP to develop a unified strategy [Gr] - major role played by Euroguidance in Poland - national standards for services [Lt, Sc] - CG regional partnerships [No] - collaboration protocol [Tk] - Good practice guide to work in partnerships [Ee] - Consolidation of LMI on one website [Dk. Lt. Se] - Joint training of education and PES staff [Mt, No] - Closer linkages between schools and PES [Se, Ro, Eng]

17 Universal provision and targeting Early leavers Free to all Women Older workers Disabled At-risk workers Minority groups Migrants Special measures for target groups

18 Gaps in implementation of Resolution 1.The balance between universal provision and targeting of special groups is difficult to manage. 2.Much of the responsibility is still falling on the state, leading to important gaps in service provision. 3.Provision for adults is often limited to the unemployed. 4.Little attention to the marketing of career guidance: many citizens still unaware of the support that is available.

19 Policy examples 4. Universal provision and targeting - marketing and branding of services [Sc] - enhanced use of ICT [most countries] - ‘missions generales et locale d’insertion’ [Fr] - strategies targering early school leavers [Fr, Ge, Mt, Pt, Sk] - budget earmarked for services to minorities [Fi, Sw] - workers at risk entitled to guidance [Fi] - special centres for workers with disabilities [Ge, Lv, Ro] - dedicated minority counsellors [Nw] - targeting at risk [Dk, Fi, Ir, Sw] - improved access for adults [Ir] - reaching out to communities CG points, ‘neutral localities’

20 Review features Evidence base Regular reviews Efficiency & effect. Cost/ benefit Occup Forecasting Determine policy Careers info Assment tools Reasons for research

21 Gaps in implementation of Resolution 1.Evidence base remains weak in most countries. 2.QA reviews are often limited: No on-going evaluation procedures Confined to a single or small range of sectors Do not comprehensively target the whole range of clients Do not focus on CGI, but as part of a range of services Voluntary – little monitoring Focus is often on quantitative indicators.

22 Policy examples 5. Review features - major review of guidance sector [A, Dk, Ee, Fi, Ge, Gr, Sl, Sw] - UNIV project for APL [Cz] - joint inter-ministerial platform [Fi] - Improved information systems [Cz, Ie, Mt, Se, Ro] - research centres [Dk, Fi, Uk] - QA systems & tools [DK, Ie, Uk], standards [Dk, Lt] - Client-satisfaction surveys [many countries: largely quantitative] - Transparency re. effectiveness; e-survey tools [Dk, Fi, Ie] - Matrix; EFQM, Charter Mark; mystery shopping [Uk] - inpsection [Fr, Uk]

23 International features Ministry co-op EU ref. Bi/multi- lateral Joint res Study visits CI for mobility Exchange programs Info exch Ministerial collaboration Peer learning National centre

24 Gaps in implementation of Resolution  Missing: strong, strategic, leadership connecting national to regional / EU developments.  National and trans- national structures are fragile.  Few countries have set up national CG centres.

25 Policy examples 6. International features - EU developments as a benchmark in staff training [Dk] - role of Euroguidance and EU projects [several countries] - participation in EU surveys [most countries] - participation in ELGPN [most countries] - guidance reseach centres [Dk, Fi, UK]

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