Implementing the Dundee Fairness Strategy Presentation to Dundee Fairness Commission 26 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing the Dundee Fairness Strategy Presentation to Dundee Fairness Commission 26 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing the Dundee Fairness Strategy Presentation to Dundee Fairness Commission 26 May 2015

2 Why is Poverty a Priority in Dundee? Building a successful City Huge scale and impact of inequalities Not just about money, but it definitely is about money Not just about survival & not a lifestyle choice The right to be heard & valued and fully participate

3 Who lives in poverty in Dundee? Children & Young People Lone parents Unskilled workers/ unemployed Larger families Women BME households Families with disabled adults Vulnerable groups Chaotic lifestyles

4 Factors Affecting Poverty in Dundee Employment (and low pay) Education and skills Income maximisation and benefit advice Childcare Affordable and accessible services

5 Where are the places in greatest poverty?


7 Our Fairness Themes A Fair Household Income Someone to turn to Hope for the future

8 A Framework for Fairness in Dundee

9 Early Action Living Wage in Council Community benefits policy Social Prescribing Funding for Community Regeneration Forums Benefit tribunal representation Support & Connect 50 DCC Apprenticeships Family Support Workers Family Splash Removal of music tuition fees Holiday activity Programmes

10 Encouraging Progress Welfare reform support Aspire Post school destinations Financial inclusion and Credit Union Targeting adult literacy Fuel poverty and energy price/ debt reduction Support to Foodbanks?

11 Areas to Accelerate Progress Closing the educational attainment gap Sanctions and impact Job creation & Modern apprenticeships Community benefits Living Wage Advice to low paid workers Additional concessions to low paid families

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