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Canine and Feline Infections Disease Prevention VI Parasites I OWA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE AND L IFE S CIENCES ANS 424 N. Matthew Ellinwood,

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Presentation on theme: "Canine and Feline Infections Disease Prevention VI Parasites I OWA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE AND L IFE S CIENCES ANS 424 N. Matthew Ellinwood,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Canine and Feline Infections Disease Prevention VI Parasites I OWA S TATE U NIVERSITY C OLLEGE OF A GRICULTURE AND L IFE S CIENCES ANS 424 N. Matthew Ellinwood, D.V.M., Ph.D. February 1, 2012

2 Parasites and Vector Borne Disease Emphasis on control and prevention Ectoparasites –Ticks and fleas Arthropod borne disease –Heartworm Intestinal parasitism

3 Ectoparasite Control Products Frontline Plus –Fipronil and S-methoprene GABA gated chloride channel blocker - stimulant Juvenile hormone anologue (fatty acid derivative) –Active against (Fipronil) Adult flees, dear tick, brown dog tick, American dog tick, and lone star tick –Active against (S-methoprene) Flee eggs and larva –Different cat and dog product

4 Additional Products Advantix II Kills and repels Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes (all stages) Neurotransmitter disrupters/neurotoxins: –Imidacloprid and permethrin Growth regulator disrupter –Pyripoxyfen – disrupts egg hatching Not a cat product –Restrict contact between cats and dogs, 24 hrs post admin

5 Additional Products Advantage II Kills Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes (all stages) Neurotransmitter disrupters/neurotoxins: –Imidacloprid Growth regulator disrupter –Pyripoxyfen – disrupts egg hatching Cat and dog products

6 Ectoparasite Borne Diseases Lyme disease –Deer tick Dipylidium caninum (one of three tape worms) –Flea ingestion Hemobartonellosis, anoplasmosis, Rocky mountain spotted fever, rickettsial, ehrilichial agents, etc. –Fleas or tick vectors

7 Heartworm Prevention Vector borne microfilarial parasite –Mosquito –Adults cause life threatening chronic lung and heart disease in dogs –Incidence of clinical disease in cats unclear but is likely 1/10 th that of canine disease – –Chemoprophylaxis

8 Heartworm Prevention Topical/Oral Oral –Ivermectin (heart guard) or Milbemycin (interceptor) based Topical –Moxidectin (Advantatge Multi for cats or dogs) –Selamectin (Revolution for cats or dogs)

9 Intestinal Parasites Round worm Hook worm Whip worm Adult versus reproductive/neonatal infection Rountine prevention –Whip worm (reinfestation) and Hook worm

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