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CHAPTER 2 SOCIAL STUDIES REVIEW GAME Tricky Taboo Name that Community Name that Landform.

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Presentation on theme: "CHAPTER 2 SOCIAL STUDIES REVIEW GAME Tricky Taboo Name that Community Name that Landform."— Presentation transcript:

1 CHAPTER 2 SOCIAL STUDIES REVIEW GAME Tricky Taboo Name that Community Name that Landform

2 TRICKY TABOO ROUND 1  Region  Mountain  Valley  Physical geography

3 TRICKY TABOO ROUND 2  Peninsula  Ocean  Natural resources  Cardinal directions

4 TRICKY TABOO ROUND 3  Climate  Lake  Physical features  Island

5 TRICKY TABOO ROUND 4  Physical geography  Weather  Desert  Bay

6 NAME THAT COMMUNITY  For each question, write R for Roseburg, Oregon, LC for Las Cruces, New Mexico, or G for Gloucester, Massachusetts.  The questions may be answered with one, two or all three communities.  Which community is closest to Warrington, Pennsylvania?  Gloucester, Massachusetts  Which community is along the Atlantic Ocean?  Gloucester, Massachusetts  Which community is southwest of us?  Which community is in the northwest region?  Roseburg, Oregon  Which community is near mountains?  Roseburg, Oregon, Las Cruces, New Mexico  Which community is in the desert?  Las Cruces, New Mexico

7 NAME THAT LANDFORM WHICH LANDFORM IS:  The land along the edge of an ocean?  coast  one of the earth’s four largest bodies of water?  ocean  Part of an ocean that cuts into the land?  bay  Part of land surrounded by water on three sides?  peninsula  The low-lying area between mountains?  valley  A flat, open area with lots of grasses rather than trees?  plain  Rocky land that is high in elevation?  mountain  Moving water that flows downhill?  river

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