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1 main

2 unit5

3 In the neighborhood_A1 Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Vocabulary Link In the neighborhood Min Chul is a new student at a university in the U.S. Below are some places in his neighborhood. Match each word in the box with a photo. 1. bank ( ) 2. gym 3. movie theater ( ) 4. Internet café ( ) 5. laundromat 6. post office ( ) ( ) 7. library 8. hair salon ( ) ( ) ( )

4 In the neighborhood_A2 Vocabulary Link
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Vocabulary Link What things can you do at each place in the previous slide? Make a list and then share your ideas with the class. What can you do at ? ________ a bank Open an account or deposit money. ________________. (2) What can you do at the gym? Do physical exercise (3) What do you do at ? ____________ an Internet café Check . (4) Where can you borrow books? _________. In a library (5) Where can you ? __________ watch movies At a movie theater. (6) Where can you send a parcel? At a post office __________. (7) Where can you have ? __________ your haircut At a hair salon. (8) Where can you do your laundry? At a laundromat __________.

5 In the neighborhood_A3 Vocabulary Link Answer the following questions.
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Vocabulary Link Answer the following questions. What can you do at a bank ? ______________________________. Open an account or deposit money (2) What can you do at the gym? ___________________. Do physical exercise (3) What do you do at an Internet café? _______________. Check (4) Where can you borrow books? _______________. In a library (5) Where can you watch movies? _______________. At a movie theater (6) Where can you send a parcel? _______________. At a post office (7) Where can you have your haircut ? _______________ . At a hair salon (8) Where can you do your laundry? ________________. At a laundromat

6 In the neighborhood_A4 Vocabulary Link
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Vocabulary Link Ask questions according to the following answers. (1) ? _______________________ What can you do at a bank Open an account or deposit money. (2) ? _______________________ What can you do at the gym Do physical exercise. (3) ? What do you do at an Internet café ____________________________ Check . (4) ? Where can you borrow books _______________________ In a library. (5) ? ________________________ Where can you watch movies At a movie theater. (6) ? ________________________ Where can you send a parcel At a post office. (7) ? Where can you have your haircut __________________________ At a hair salon. (8) ? Where can you do your laundry __________________________ At a laundromat.

7 Is there a theater near here_A1
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking Is there a theater near here? Asking for and giving directions Useful Expressions Asking for directions To ask about a specific place Where’s the International Bank, please? Could you tell me where the Empire State Building is, please? Excuse me, how do I walk to the Grand Theater from here? To ask about a place in general Where can I get a roll of film? Excuse me, where can I post a letter? Do you know where I can leave my luggage? Is there a movie theater nearby?

8 Is there a theater near here_A2
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking Asking for and giving directions Useful Expressions Giving directions To get to the theater go straight down the street to the corner walk one block on Center Street turn left / right at the next traffic light take the bus / subway to … take a taxi to … I’m not sure, but I think … Of course there is one, … Sorry, I don’t know.

9 Asking for and giving directions_A1
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking Asking for and giving directions Useful Expressions Prepositions of place on the corner of the street in the middle of the block in front of the bank between the library and the post office in the park next to the train station right across the café opposite the park in the back of / behind the laundromat near / close to the City Hall

10 Asking for and giving directions_A3
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking With a partner, take turns asking and answering about the places on the map below. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. Partner A asks about: Bradfort Park a store a laundromat a post office a school a deli Partner B asks about: City Hall a bank an Internet café a parking lot a church a hotel You are here.

11 Asking for and giving directions_A4
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking With a partner, take turns asking and answering about the places on the map below. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. Partner A asks about: Bradfort Park a store a laundromat a post office a school a deli Partner B asks about: City Hall a bank an Internet café a parking lot a church a hotel You are here.

12 Asking for and giving directions_A5
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking With a partner, take turns asking and answering about the places on the map below. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. Partner A asks about: Bradfort Park a store a laundromat a post office a school a deli Partner B asks about: City Hall a bank an Internet café a parking lot a church a hotel You are here.

13 Asking for and giving directions_A6
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Speaking With a partner, take turns asking and answering about the places on the map below. Use the Useful Expressions to help you. Partner A asks about: Bradfort Park a store a laundromat a post office a school a deli Partner B asks about: City Hall a bank an Internet café a parking lot a church a hotel You are here.

14 A new neighborhood_A1 Communication A new neighborhood
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Communication A new neighborhood Look at the neighborhood below and describe it. What places are there? Where are they? What are the problems with this neighborhood? Many of the buildings are old.

15 A new neighborhood_A2 Communication
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Communication The people of the neighborhood want to improve it. Here is a picture with their ideas. How is the neighborhood different? There are a lot of trees on the street now. It’s much nicer!

16 A new neighborhood_A4 Communication
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Communication Study the information about these two cities. Tell your partner which city you prefer to live in and why. Information for practice Los Angeles Juneau, Alaska cost of living (for housing, clothing, food) $$$ $$ population 3,700,000 people 31,000 people 85℉ / 29℃ in summer 40℉ / 4℃ in winter 50℉ / 10℃ in summer 32℉ / 0℃ in winter weather

17 A new neighborhood_A5 Communication
Lesson A Places in my city Lesson B Cities and towns Communication Study the information about these two cities. Tell your partner which city you prefer to live in and why. Information for practice Los Angeles Juneau, Alaska transportation crime traffic pollution

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