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Classify Triangles Classify triangles by the lengths of their sides and their angles.

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Presentation on theme: "Classify Triangles Classify triangles by the lengths of their sides and their angles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Classify Triangles Classify triangles by the lengths of their sides and their angles.

2 Triangles classified by sides
A scalene triangle has no congruent sides. An isosceles triangle has at least 2 congruent sides An equilateral triangle, all of the sides are congruent.

3 Triangles classified by angles
In an acute triangle, all of the angles are acute. An obtuse triangle has one obtuse angle. A right triangle has one right angle.

4 Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles.
EX1) isosceles Two congruent sides acute Three acute angles This is an isosceles acute triangle. EX2) scalene No congruent sides right One right angle This is a scalene right triangle.

5 EX3) equilateral Three congruent sides acute Three acute angles EX4) scalene No congruent sides right One right angle EX5) isosceles Two congruent sides obtuse One obtuse angle EX6) isosceles Two congruent sides right One right angle

6 Tear off the corners of your triangle and put them together.
The sum of the measures of the angles in a triangle is 180°. 2 m1 + m2 + m3 = 180° 1 3

7 Find the measure of the unknown angle.
EX7) 55° 80° x The sum of the measures of the angles is 180°. 80° + 55° + x = 180° 135° + x = 180° –135° –135° Subtract 135° from both sides. x = 45° The measure of the unknown angle is 45°.

8 The sum of the measures of the angles is 180°. 90° + 30° + x = 180°
EX8) 30° 90° x The sum of the measures of the angles is 180°. 90° + 30° + x = 180° 120° + x = 180° Combine like terms. –120° –120° Subtract 120° from both sides. x = 60° The measure of the unknown angle is 60°.

9 notes

10 Date ______________ Classify Triangles Classify triangles by the lengths of their sides and their angles.

11 Triangles classified by sides
A scalene triangle An isosceles triangle An equilateral triangle,

12 Triangles classified by angles
In an acute triangle An obtuse triangle has A right triangle

13 Classify each triangle according to its sides and angles.
EX1) EX2)

14 EX3) EX4) EX5) EX6)

15 Find the measure of the unknown angle.
EX7) 55° 80° x

16 EX8) 30° 90° x


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