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Presentation on theme: " The German Infrastructure Atlas Steffen Schmitt – Project Director Infrastructure Atlas Federal Network Agency Planning Broadband."— Presentation transcript:

1 The German Infrastructure Atlas Steffen Schmitt – Project Director Infrastructure Atlas Federal Network Agency Planning Broadband Investments Workshop Brussels, 7th March 2011

2 2 Infrastructure Atlas What is the Infrastructure Atlas? Database, operated by the Federal Network Agency, containing geoinformation of infrastructure in Germany, that may be shared while broadband networks are expanded. Background: The Federal Governments Broadband Strategy, Status: February 2009

3 3 The Federal Governments Broadband Strategy Measure 2: Compile an infrastructure atlas The German Federal Network Agency will start work soon on an infrastructure atlas, in association with the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. Where possible, the agency will include the conceptual groundwork already completed by industry and broadband initiatives from the Länder. It is hoped that the first edition will be available by Autumn 2009. The Federal Network Agency, as a highly trustworthy top-level Federal Authority, will be assigned the task, while maintaining and guaranteeing maximum confidentiality, of ensuring that only infrastructure components that are actually suitable for pooling are included in the atlas. To achieve the required confidentiality, it will be necessary to differentiate between information that is either publicly available or only to selected users and information that should only be provided by the infrastructure providers themselves.

4 4 Infrastructure Atlas The aim: Up to 70 per cent of the costs of developing broadband infrastructure in the fixed-line network are excavation costs. These costs may be reduced significantly if the various infrastructure providers become more open to collaboration and allowing third-party access to their own systems. This openness would create many win-win situations for businesses,while reducing costs for the economy as a whole. The more efficiently existing infrastructure is pooled, the faster high-speed networks can be developed and remote areas connected to broadband Internet.

5 5 Infrastructure Atlas What sort of data is in the infrastructure atlas? Optical fiber Ducts, conduits Main distribution frames, street cabinets Masts, antennas, towers Other infrastructures (e.g. buildings) Source: About 130 infrastructure owners on a voluntary basis

6 6 Infrastructure Atlas Implementation in three stages First stage BNetzA hands out information about type, owner and contact person of infrastructure manually Second Stage In addition information about the geographical location Third Stage Web-GIS application

7 7 Infrastructure Atlas – Some technical details Infrastructure Atlas currently (first and second stage) is based on Geographic Information System for infrastructure Files containing these data Free software as well as commercial software ArcGIS, Spatial Commander and Feature Manipulation Engine licences in detail

8 8 Infrastructure Atlas – Some technical details In the future (third stage): Web-GIS application based on Oracle technology in general Oracle Spatial database replacing the file system Three level client-server architecture separating the application server from the web server

9 9 Infrastructure Atlas Who may use the Infrastructure Atlas? Administrative units Network operators Consultancy firms => Information is only provided project-related

10 10 Infrastructure Atlas – Application form

11 11 Infrastructure Atlas – Application form Stadt Freudenstadt Max Mustermann registered beneficiary

12 12 Infrastructure Atlas – Application form contact details Max Mustermann Stadt Freud Peter Muster Gemeinde Wittlensweiler 11111 Freudenstadt 01234 / 567890 Mustermannstraße 1 Machbarkeitsstudie project name

13 13 Infrastructure Atlas – Application form location 11112 Wittlensweiler 11112 Dietersweiler 11112 Aach Peter Muster Gemeinde Wittlensweiler Freudenstadt@fiktiveDa 11111 Freudenstadt 1234/ 567890 Mustermannstraße 1 Machbarkeitsstudie Stadt Freude Max Musterm

14 14 Infrastructure Atlas – Application form Freudenstadt@fiktiveDa signatures Max Musterm Stadt Freude Peter Muster Gemeinde Wittlensweiler 11111 Freudenstadt 1234/ 567890 Mustermannstraße 1 Machbarkeitsstudie 11112 Wittlensweiler 11112 Dietersweiler 11112 Aach

15 15 Infrastructure Atlas Areas that filed an application (about 330) Equivalent to about 12.5 Million citizens

16 16 Infrastructure Atlas Second Stage (prospective): An example with fictitious data

17 17 Infrastructure Atlas Area filing an application: Freudenstadt

18 18 Infrastructure Atlas

19 19 Bundesweiter Infrastrukturatlas project area

20 20 Infrastructure Atlas project area with infrastructure overlayed

21 21 Infrastructure Atlas pdf-file

22 22 Infrastructure Atlas

23 23 Infrastructure Atlas

24 24 Infrastructure Atlas

25 25 Infrastructure Atlas – some keywords Confidentiality Company and business secrets demand high safety measures Completeness Get all relevant information Intersectoral Pool different industry sectors Usability Should be easy to use Transparency Deliver relevant information to where it is needed

26 26 Infrastructure Atlas Thank you for your attention

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