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The Respiratory System. Do Now Missing Work Check-In.

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1 The Respiratory System

2 Do Now Missing Work Check-In

3 Homework Read pg. 440-445 Answer questions 3-6 on pg. 445

4 Structures of the Respiratory System Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli

5 Structures of the Respiratory System Ultimate goal is to get air to the alveoli What purpose do the other structures serve? ◦Purify ◦Humidify ◦Warm

6 Anatomy of the Nose Nostrils ◦Outer, visible part of the nose Nasal Cavity ◦Interior Nasal septum ◦Divides the nasal cavity Mucosa ◦Trap incoming bacteria

7 Soft v. Hard Palate Both work to separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity Hard - Bone Soft – Unsupported by bone (tissue)

8 Sinuses

9 Rhinitis Inflammation of the… ◦Nasal mucosa Caused by cold viruses and allergens Results in congestion and postnasal drip

10 Sinusitis Inflammation of the sinuses! Sinuses are blocked with mucus Sinus headache ensues…

11 Pharynx v. Larynx Pharynx – “throat” ◦Common passageway for food and air ◦Houses the tonsils  Tonsillitis causes mouth breathing – insufficient air moistening and filtration Larynx – “voice box” ◦Vocal cords vibrate when air is expelled, creating you voice ◦Cough reflex is used when anything other than air enters the larynx

12 Pharynx v. Larynx

13 Review Questions Where is the air warmed? List 2 organs of the respiratory system other than the nose. What does the septum do?

14 Lower Respiratory Tract

15 Do Now What is tuberculosis? Have Questions #3-6 from pg. 463 out

16 Homework Questions 8-11 on pg. 463

17 Trachea “Windpipe” – approx 4 inches long Trachea reinforced with hyaline cartilage ◦Allow esophagus to expand when swallowing What do you do when the trachea is obstructed? ◦Heimlich maneuver ◦Tracheostomy

18 Cilia Mucosa Line the trachea Help keep the mucus away from the lungs Smoking kills the cilia ◦What is then the response to keeping mucus out of the lungs?

19 Bronchi Main branches from where the trachea splits “Upside down tree” Brochioles are smaller braches that break off into the lungs “Respiratory tree”

20 Bronchi

21 Lungs Take up the majority of the thoracic cavity House the bronchioles and alveoli ◦Necessary for gas exchange ◦Air sacs, resembling bunches of grapes Weigh about 2.5 lbs

22 Alveoli Have thin walls of epithelial tissue ◦Much thinner than a piece of paper ◦Covered with a vast amount of capillaries Combination of the alveoli and capillary walls create the respiratory membrane ◦Air on one side – blood on the other Surface area of alveolar walls in males is 50-70 sq meters ◦40x greater than the skin!

23 Review Questions Why is nose breathing preferable to mouth breathing? What is the specific function of the cilia in the trachea? In a nose breather, list the passage way of air from the nose  alveoli and all stages in between.

24 Homework Questions 8-11 on pg. 463

25 Respiratory Physiology p. 445-447

26 Do Now Begin working on Worksheet which will review for quiz on Monday

27 Respiratory System What is the major function of the respiratory system? ◦Supply oxygen ◦Expel carbon dioxide

28 Respiration What is respiration? Four Key Events 1.Pulmonary Ventilation 2.External respiration 3.Respiratory gas transport 4.Internal respiration

29 Pulmonary Ventilation Pulmonary = lungs Air flow in and out of lungs “Breathing”

30 External Respiration Gas exchange What gases? Oxygen entering capillaries Carbon dioxide exiting through the alveoli

31 Respiratory Gas Transport Gases must be transported ◦Where is the Carbon Dioxide coming from? ◦Where is the oxygen coming from?

32 Internal Respiration Oxygen must get to the destination ◦Where is the final destination? Gases must exchange internally ◦Capillaries and cells in the body

33 Video! Respiratory Gas Exchange

34 Mechanics of Breathing Breathing depends on a change of volume in the thoracic cavity Volume of thoracic cavity changes, gases flow to fill the space Liquids form to the shape of container, gases fill the container

35 Lung Volumes

36 Lung Volumes and Capacities Many factors affect the amount of air a persons lungs can hold ◦Size ◦Male/Female ◦Age ◦Physical condition

37 Lung Volumes and Capacities TIDAL VOLUME (TV) ◦Normal, quiet breathing ◦Generally about 500mL INSPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (IRV) ◦“Hard inhale” ◦Forced intake of air ◦3100 mL

38 Lung Volumes and Capacities EXPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (ERV) ◦After normal expiration, more air can be forced out of the lungs ◦1200 mL VITAL CAPACITY (VC) ◦Total amount of exchangeable air ◦TV + IRV + ERV = VC RESIDUAL VOLUME ◦1200 mL of air remains in the lungs and cannot be forced out during expiration

39 Homework Review Lab for next class Write purpose and your hypothesis for this lab

40 Respiratory Disorders

41 Do Now #1 Read p. 456 in textbook and answer the following questions 1. What is the increase in allergies correlated with? 2. People of 3 rd world countries are thought to be less likely to have allergies. Why is that? 3. What conclusion does this piece draw at the end of the reading?

42 Do Now #2 List and explain the 4 key steps of pulmonary respiration

43 Do Now #2 Four Key Events 1.Pulmonary Ventilation 2.External respiration 3.Respiratory gas transport 4.Internal respiration

44 Review TIDAL VOLUME (TV) ◦Normal, quiet breathing ◦Generally about 500mL INSPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (IRV) ◦“Hard inhale” ◦Forced intake of air ◦3100 mL

45 Review EXPIRATORY RESERVE VOLUME (ERV) ◦After normal expiration, more air can be forced out of the lungs ◦1200 mL VITAL CAPACITY (VC) ◦Total amount of exchangeable air ◦TV + IRV + ERV = VC RESIDUAL VOLUME ◦1200 mL of air remains in the lungs and cannot be forced out during expiration

46 Respiratory Disorders Respiratory system vulnerable to pathogens ◦Why? ◦Airborne pathogens Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Lung Cancer

47 COPD Chronic bronchitis Emphysema With both, history of smoking is almost assured Difficulty breathing Pulmonary infection

48 Chronic bronchitis Bronchitis? Inflammation of the bronchi Excessive amounts of mucus ◦Problems with excessive amounts of muscus? ◦Impairs gas exchange Increases risk of lung infection ◦Pneumonia  Inflammation of air sacs  Fills with fluid and puss

49 Pneumonia

50 Emphysema Lungs become less elastic Airways collapse during expiration and the airway is obstructed Causes patient to use a lot of energy when exhaling

51 Emphysema

52 Lung Cancer Leading death of cancer in both men and women in USA Approx 90% of lung cancer is due to smoking Most effective treatment is to remove infection lobe of the lung

53 Homework Read p. 455 – 460 ◦Define:  Hyperventilation  Apnea  Sleep Apnea  Cystic fibrosis

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