Housing Issues for the MAA Carole Hudson – St Helens MBC Cath Green – Liverpool City Council 8 Liverpool City Region MAA:

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Presentation on theme: "Housing Issues for the MAA Carole Hudson – St Helens MBC Cath Green – Liverpool City Council 8 Liverpool City Region MAA:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Housing Issues for the MAA Carole Hudson – St Helens MBC Cath Green – Liverpool City Council 8 Liverpool City Region MAA:

2 Housing problems Areas with long-term deprivation remain: –Entrenched worklessness; –Poor links to education, training, employment. Concentration of vacancies in the heart of the conurbation. Isolated peripheral estates. Poor image of many parts of the sub- region. Increasing affordability problems – ‘credit crunch’ or not.

3 Joint housing work so far Includes: Housing Market Renewal Pathfinder – NewHeartlands Liverpool City Region Housing Strategy New Growth Points –Liverpool/Wirral –Halton/St. Helens/Warrington Developing performance management Development of joint responses to: Regional Spatial Strategy Regional Housing Strategy Regional Funding Advice

4 Targeting the right areas? ‘Vulnerable areas’ identified through LCRHS: –Accessibility (education, shopping, amenities etc.) –Quality of place (greenspace, housing condition, overcrowding etc.) –Demographic (concentrations of economically inactive, unemployed etc.) –Quality of life (educational attainment, health indicators etc.) –Housing offer (vacancies, tenure etc.) Areas mapped - next slide…


6 Housing issues for the MAA Removing barriers to access to education, training, employment Dealing with ingrained ‘social inclusion’ problems Tackling growing affordability problems - including for vulnerable adults who need supported housing Keeping economic growth within the sub-region Developing sub-regional approach to working arrangements with Homes and Communities Agency Developing effective mechanism – with supporting evidence - for lobbying government Recognising that these issues don’t stop at district boundaries

7 Transport issues for the MAA Murray Grant Local Transport Partnership 9 Liverpool City Region MAA:

8 Transport – Drivers of Change Statutory Local Transport Plan Currently defining the transport Offer and Asks. City Region Transport Governance – Local Transport Bill & creation of a new Integrated Transport Authority. New Government direction on transport policy and planning – Enabling economic growth and tackling climate change. Planning for the Future Programme – Assessing future transport demand and preferred interventions to support regeneration and sustainable development. Draft Transport Vision and Strategy.

9 Transport – Issues and Challenges Network performance and maintenance; Congestion, journey times and reliability – impacts on business efficiency; Support for the wider City Region agenda - Access to employment, education and key services; Reliability, punctuality and quality of public transport; Increasing Green House Gas emissions and Carbon demands; Increasing air pollutants affecting public health; Inactive travel behaviour and poor health; and Travel safety and security; Travel demand continues to grow creating challenges for planning and delivering transport:

10 Transport – Emerging Offer and Asks (1) Emerging Offer to Government: Improved joint working across, economic development, employment and skills, health and housing; Better integration – funding and delivery - with other agencies responsible for platform delivery; and Building on District LAA targets – congestion.

11 Transport – Emerging Offer and Asks (2) Emerging Asks of Government: Full Local Decision Making for Merseyrail; Commitment to and delivery of the Manchester Rail Hub; Delivery of strategic national and regional connectivity infrastructure; Supporting national policy, legislation and infrastructure to realise Superport; Protection of transport funding, e.g. LTP3; Regional Development Agency support and funding for transport investment in the North West; and Exploration of new funding tools - Infrastructure Funds and ADZ.

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