EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Social Impact of the Crisis – what solutions ? EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS.

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Presentation on theme: "EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Social Impact of the Crisis – what solutions ? EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS."— Presentation transcript:

1 EAPN: Fighting for a Social Europe Free of Poverty Social Impact of the Crisis – what solutions ? EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DES ASSOCIATIONS DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET LEXCLUSION SOCIALE Input: Sian Jones, Policy Coordinator EAPN Committee of the Regions ECOS 26 th April 2012

2 Structure of Presentation EAPN in the crisis Social impact on poverty of the crisis and role of austerity measures EU role – is it helping? 5 Priorities for Action

3 EAPN in the Crisis Independent NGO network committed to the fight against poverty, active since 1990 30 National Antipoverty Networks, 23 EU NGOs Commitment to participation of people with direct experience of poverty Active partners in EU Inclusion strategies - but dialogue fast disappearing… Monitoring crisis impact together - growing anger with austerity and democratic deficit.

4 Whats happening to poverty? Before the crisis – no decline in poverty, (16%) despite boom years of growth and jobs 2011: 115 million (23.4%) - increase of 2 million. Unequal impact - 40%: BG, RO v 15%: CZ, NL, SE Worst hit groups - youth, children and families, but also LT unemployed, migrants/ minorities. Rising unemployment, particularly youth, but jobs not always solution : 8.5% in-work poverty poverty, 1/3 of people in poverty have a job.. Growing inequality in income/wealth (OECD) and in perceptions – 80% (Eurobarometer)

5 Social impact of Government Austerity measures Immediate Crisis impact on jobs and housing, austerity now key cause for increasing poverty. Cuts/reductions in social protection/minimum income systems, destroying automatic stabilisers – reducing income support and resilience.. Cuts in public sector and NGO sector jobs/services; increased insecurity/reduced wages; focus on supply side: punitive activation/conditionality Increasing difficulties in accessing basic food and services/ rising prices in food/energy/housing and health, exacerbating indebtedness Growing Inequality Gap undermining social cohesion, growth and sustainable recovery

6 Is the EU helping? Europe 2020 promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth Poverty, employment and education target, guidelines, flagship initiatives Structural Funds to deliver on poverty target – 20% and 25% on ESF. 8 million shortfall on EU poverty target Employment only solutions, missing inequality, access to rights, resources and services. EU Economic Governance driving austerity, generating increasing poverty and inequality. Limited and weak participation of stakeholders

7 5 Priorities for Action 1.Challenge Austerity - defend social protection, minimum income+ public services as social floor for inclusive recovery. 2.Promote Social Investment + Green and Social New Deal, creating quality jobs 3.Ensure inclusion – integrated, Active Inclusion pathways, back social economy 4.Use EU funds to reduce poverty – support 20% ring-fencing of ESF on poverty, through integrated solutions, ensuring NGO access 5.Raise revenue fairly and put equality and democracy at the heart - tax justice + participative dialogue at all stages/levels.

8 EUROPEAN ANTI-POVERTY NETWORK RÉSEAU EUROPÉEN DE LUTTE CONTRE LA PAUVRETÉ ET LEXCLUSION SOCIALE SQUARE DE MEEUS, 18 – 1050 BRUSSELS TEL: 0032 2 226 58 50 – FAX: 0032 2 26 58 69 www.eapn.euwww.eapn.eu - team@eapn.euteam@eapn.eu Thank you for your attention For more information contact: Sian Jones at sian.jones@eapn.eusian.jones@eapn.eu www.eapn.eu

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