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Assessing pollutant loads in inland and coastal waters for continental Europe FATE project Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing pollutant loads in inland and coastal waters for continental Europe FATE project Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing pollutant loads in inland and coastal waters for continental Europe FATE project Institute for Environment and Sustainability Joint Research Centre Information provided by Faycal Bouraoui and Bruna Grizzetti

2 Recommendations Some results of FATE Assessment Estimation of spatial nitrogen and phosphorus balance Assessment of nutrient pressures (source apportionment) Scenario Analysis Impact of agri- environmental practices on water quality Impact of climate changes on water and nutrient requirements in agriculture ATLAS collecting data available at EU27 to assess pressures from nutrients Europe-wide Harmonized Geographical Database Collection of landscape and climate data for multimedia environmental modelling at EU27

3 JRC – Ispra Spatial Nitrogen Diffuse Emissions estimated by the GREEN model (average on 10 km grid) Nitrogen Diffuse Emissions: input of nitrogen into surface waters originated from diffuse sources, including agriculture, atmospheric deposition and scattered dwellings. The map of diffuse emissions for each source can be provided Estimation of nutrient pressure Diffuse Emissions

4 JRC – Ispra P scattered dwellings (kg P/ha) Nutrient input from diffuse sources: P from scattered dwellings

5 An analysis of pyrethroids in European waters J. Env. Management, submitted (2007) A class including 63 chemicals Corresponding to 3.4 % of total insecticides used in Europe (Eurostat 2003)

6 Emissions of lindane to soils via direct application (1991) and through atmospheric deposition (2001)

7 Modelling estimates of seawater concentrations of PCBs from land-based sources (ng/m3)

8 Assessment of 1,2-Dichloroethane emissions to water Modelling: Main multimedia mechanisms: advection, volatilization Half-life in water: 10 hrs, mainly due to volatilization, as degradation is negligible in water EPER points

9 On going development Retrospective and perspective scenario analyses to evaluate the impact of EU policies (1985-2020) For more info see: /fileadmin/Documentation/ Reports/RWER/EUR_2006 -2007/EUR_22526_EN.pdf

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