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Introduction to FOCUS Degradation Kinetics training course

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to FOCUS Degradation Kinetics training course"— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to FOCUS Degradation Kinetics training course
Jos Boesten Alterra Wageningen University and Research Centre The Netherlands

2 Outline Introduction to FOCUS Membership of FOCUS Degradation Kinetics Training programme Participants Evaluation of training Logistics

3 Introduction to FOCUS Aim of FOCUS:
FOrum for Co-ordination of the USe of pesticide fate models in EU registration Founded in 1992 (co-operation between Commission and ECPA) Aim of FOCUS: Guidance for environmental fate modelling in context of Annex VI of EEC 91/414 (“… estimate, using a suitable calculation model validated at Community level, the concentration…”)

4 time evolution of FOCUS workgroups

5 Current FOCUS workgroups
Steering Committee Version Control (permanent) Degradation Kinetics Landscape & Mitigation Air Groundwater

6 Characteristics of FOCUS workgroups
Participants are scientists from governmental research institutes within EU (typically 8-10) working for national registration authorities (typically 2) from ECPA (4) new MS included in FOCUS Groundwater (CZ + LI) Membership decided by FOCUS Steering Committee Only money for hotel and travel expenses

7 Membership of FOCUS Degradation Kinetics
8 persons governmental research institutes, universities, regulatory agencies; 7 Member States 4 persons ECPA (2 from Europe and 2 from US) 1 chairman

8 Members of FOCUS Degradation Kinetics
Claude Beigel Otto Richter Sabine Beulke Jeremy Dyson Karin Aden Martin Dust Russell Jones Sylvia Karlsson Ton van der Linden Guy Soulas Oriol Magrans Soria Inge Fomsgaard Jos Boesten

9 Training programme Today
Introduction, aims of WG, regulatory use of results 1.4 – General issues on models and data handling 1.6 – Guidance for parent compounds in soil (including field studies)

10 Training programme Tomorrow 2.1 – 2.4 Metabolites in soil
2.5 – 2.6 Demonstrations of other curve-fitting software 2.7 Guidelines for reporting 2.8 Water-sediment studies 2.9 Evaluation

11 Disclaimer on ModelMaker
Workgroup uses ModelMaker because it is easiest to use for this training Workgroup reviewed a range of software packages: no ‘ideal’ package available Use of ModelMaker in training does not imply that this is more suitable than other packages

12 Trainers Workgroup members plus Ralph Warren (replaces Martin Dust who switched jobs) Dieter Schäfer (MATLAB expertise)

13 Participants - 18 Member States Norway (associated states)
France UK Spain Slovenia Poland Belgium Italy Greece Denmark Estonia Finland Sweden Netherlands Austria Slovak Republic Germany Ireland Czech Republic Norway (associated states) fate experts from ECPA EFSA

14 Evaluation of the training course

15 Please fill in after each topic

16 Logistics Who has ModelMaker not working at his/her computer ?

17 Lunch at 13.00 h : canteen in other building (100 m walk)
Dinner in Osteria Etruria: you have to pay yourself (45 Euro for four-course dinner including drinks and tip) ECPA kindly offers bus transport to dinner (at fish market) please fill in YES/NO in list that circulates


DINER DU 26 JANVIER 2005 SAVEURS ET PARFUMS DE LA MEDITERANEE ANTIPASTI Assortiment de charcuterie Italienne PREMIER PLAT Cannelloni ricotta & épinards DEUXIEME PLAT Involtini (roulade) de volaille au taleggio (fromage de chèvre) accompagné de polenta DESSERT Tiramisu traditionnel

20 BOISSONS Prix: 45 Euro/personne
Montepulciano d’Abruzzo 1997 “Colle Creta” (rouge) Pinot Grigio Aleandri 2002 (blanc) Bière – Coca-cola – Coca-cola light – Jus d’orange Eau minérale ou plate Café – Tisanes (Camomille, Té, Verveine, Menthe) Prix: 45 Euro/personne (including all drinks plus tip, not including grappa/limoncello: 2 Euro)

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