Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) Department of Informatics Technische Universität München, Germany Design.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) Department of Informatics Technische Universität München, Germany Design."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Engineering for Business Information Systems (sebis) Department of Informatics Technische Universität München, Germany Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for the Collaborative Structuring of Knowledge- Intensive Processes Natascha Abrek 20.04.1015

2 1.Motivation  Overview of the existing application  Literature and applications examples 2.Research questions 3.Current state of the thesis  Mobile websites vs. desktop websites  Mockups 4.Next steps  User evaluation  Roadmap Overview © sebis2 Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 Initial Presentation Master Thesis

3 Objective Initial Presentation Master Thesis 3 Development of a mobile version of Darwin to fit the mobile use case  Meeting increased demand and usage of mobile devices  Enhancing communication & collaboration  Improving productivity  Increasing accessability  Better flexibility Goals Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015

4 Literature and mobile applications examples Initial Presentation Master Thesis 4 Wunderlist Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015

5 Research questions Initial Presentation Master Thesis Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 5 What are relevant use cases for the mobile interface compared to the desktop version? How should a mobile interface be designed to support knowledge-intensive processes? How well can the mobile interface be used to accomplish a knowledge-intensive task in practise? 1 3 2

6 Mobile websites have a different user experience Initial Presentation Master Thesis 6 Screen size Interaction techniques Reduce the feature set in mobile to lower complexity and to fit on the smaller screen Cut content which is not core to the mobile use case Defer secondary content to secondary pages Enlarge interface elements to ease mobile interaction („fat finger problem“) Consider ergonomics, gestures, transitions, and mobile-specific interaction patterns for interaction design Mobile Website vs. Desktop Website Navigation Context of use Build a Mobile Optimized Website Search Form design Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 Initial Presentation Master Thesis 6

7 Current state of the thesis 1. Feed Initial Presentation Master Thesis Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 7

8 Initial Presentation Master Thesis 8 Current state of the thesis 2. Navigation Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015

9 Current state of the thesis 3. Profile Initial Presentation Master Thesis Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 9

10 Current state of the thesis 4. Wiki content Initial Presentation Master Thesis Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 10

11 Evaluation of the mobile website Initial Presentation Master Thesis 11 Selecting participants Thinking-aloud methodology Analysis of results Mobile Interface Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015

12 Roadmap Initial Presentation Master Thesis Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015 12 20.04.2015

13 ? Any Questions? Initial Presentation Master Thesis 13 Natascha Abrek - 20.04.2015

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