Mutual Fundamentals. Mutual Funds Professional management Competitive returns Simplicity Diversification.

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Presentation on theme: "Mutual Fundamentals. Mutual Funds Professional management Competitive returns Simplicity Diversification."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mutual Fundamentals

2 Mutual Funds Professional management Competitive returns Simplicity Diversification

3 What is a mutual fund and how does it work? Preservation of Capital & Liquidity Income Balance Growth

4 Buying and Redeeming Mutual Funds Direct from company From stockbroker

5 Mutual Fund Expenses Found in prospectus Sales charges Load and no-load funds Redemption fees Management fees 12b-1 fees

6 Income and Distributions Dividends Capital Gains Share Price Increases (paper profit)

7 Types of Funds Growth Funds Bond Funds Money Market Funds Hybrid Funds Other

8 Dollar Cost Averaging DateInvestmentShare PriceShares Jan 2005$200$1020 Feb$200$825 Mar$200$540 Apr$200$450 May$200$540 June$200$1020 TOTAL$1200$42195 Ave share cost $1200/195$6.15 Ave share price $42/6$7

9 Advantages and Disadvantages of Mutual Funds Expenses Lack of Control Price Uncertainty Management Diversification Affordability Liquidity

10 Are Mutual Funds Right for YOU? Know your investment goals Is there a place for mutual funds in YOUR portfolio? Where to go with problems

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