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Looking Inside Cells Cells Organelles Tiny Cell Structures Carry out specific functions Produce energy/transport materials/store and recycle waste.

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2 Looking Inside Cells Cells

3 Organelles Tiny Cell Structures Carry out specific functions Produce energy/transport materials/store and recycle waste

4 Cell Wall Rigid layer of non-living material that surrounds the cells of plants and some organisms Tough materials called cellulose Adds strength Animals do not have cell walls Even though it is rigid water and oxygen can pass through Mime

5 Cell Membrane Just inside a cell wall (If there is a cell wall) Outside boundary that separates the cell from it’s environment Controls what goes in and out of the cell (By pores - tiny holes) –Food and oxygen enters –Waste leaves –In and out (truck)

6 Nucleus Large oval structure Brain of the cell Directs Cells control center –Directs all cell activities –Three main parts –President (salute)

7 Nuclear Membrane Protects the nucleus Like a cell membrane Material passes in and out though pores –Holes in the nuclear membrane –In and out (car)

8 Chromatin Thin floating strands Genetic material that directs function of the cell Air traffic control

9 Nucleolus Where ribosomes are made Make food

10 Learn the Organelles Inside parts of the cell Produce energy Build Transport

11 Cytoplasm Clear jel like fluid Between the cell membrane and the nucleus Constantly moving It looks like…. Wiggle

12 Mitochondria Rod-like structures Power houses Produce most of the energy for cells to carry out the functions Look like…… Muscle people

13 Ribosomes Grain like bodies outside the Endoplasmic Reticulum Some found floating in cytoplasm Factories to produce proteins Pass proteins from ER to the Golgi bodies Looks like…. Make something

14 Endoplasmic Reticulum ER Maze of passageways Carries proteins And other materials from one part of the cell to another Located just off the nucleus Looks like…. Carry something heavy

15 Golgi bodies Flattened collection of sacks and tubes Cells mailroom Package the proteins given to them by the Ribosomes from the ER and sent them to other parts of the cell Releases material outside the cell Looks like…. Mail Carriers


17 Lysosomes Small round structure Contains chemicals that break down large food particles to small ones Breaks down old cells to be used again Clean-up crew Looks like… Broom

18 Centrioles Organize the cells activity Plays a role in cell division When you see these the cell is about to divide Looks like…. Divide Hands

19 Chloroplasts Only in plants and some organisms Green Captures sunlight and produce food for the cells Looks like….. I’m green

20 Vacuoles Round water filled sac In plants is stored in vacuoles, when firm the cell is plump, without the plant wilts Storage area of the cell –Food –Water –Other materials –Wastes Looks like….. Look Round as you can

21 Eukaryote Has a nucleus Has cell parts



24 What is it?

25 Bacterial cells Smaller than plant and animal cell Has a cell wall and cell membrane Genetic material in cytoplasm Have Ribosomes No nucleus –Prokaryote

26 Specialized cells Cells in an organism that serve a specific function –Blood cells –Nerve cells

27 The End Tada!

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