CHRISTMAS IN SLOVENIA. WHAT DO WE DO ON CHRISTMAS? In Slovenia we celebrate christmas with our family. On the christmas evening we make a christmas tree.

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2 WHAT DO WE DO ON CHRISTMAS? In Slovenia we celebrate christmas with our family. On the christmas evening we make a christmas tree and we eat christmas dinner with our families.We wait untill the next morning. If we`re lucky we have snow on christmas. If we have it, it‘s is a perfect atmosphere. On christmas we all have a good time. We get presents under the tree, and we all are verry happy.

3 CHRISTMAS TREE On christmas night we make a christmas tree. We decorate it with buch and some decorating lights. We do this together with all our family. Under that tree Santa puts presents. We are very happy when we get them.

4 CHRISTMAS DINNER We make a christmas dinner too. That is roast or chicken, potato and lettuce or french salad. In french salad there are pickles, carrots, peas and mayonnaise. And for dessert we make bisccuites and potica. We eat that in the evening. And it is alwais delicious.

5 WHAT IS POTICA? Potica is actually a nut roll. it`s a tradicional slovene desert. it`s made from pastry consisting a sweet yeast dough (usually using milk) that is rolled out very thin, spread with a nut paste made from ground nuts and a sweetener like honey, then rolled up into a log shape.

6 POLNOČNICA In the evening befor the christmas at midnaight we go to the churche. This is tradicion in many Slovenian family. On the churche usualy go all family and friends.

7 (CHRISTMAS) CRIB Under the christmas tree we put a crib. On the crib are Jesus,Josef and Maria, three wise men, caw, donky and ship. In many towns or home places people make a live nativity a live nativity scene scene.livenativityscene


9 Befor the christmas is every town decorate with many lights and one big christmas tree.

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