PRESS BRIEFING NEGOTIATIONS OVERVIEW Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia Zagreb, May 30 2007.

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1 PRESS BRIEFING NEGOTIATIONS OVERVIEW Delegation of the European Commission to the Republic of Croatia Zagreb, May 30 2007

2 THE NEGOTIATING CHAPTERS 1. Free movement of goods 2. Freedom of movement workers 3. Freedom to provide services 4. Free movement of capital 5. Public procurement 6. Company law 7. Intellectual property 8. Competition policy 9. Financial services 10. Information society & media 11. Agriculture & rural development 12. Food safety 13. Fisheries 14. Transport 15. Energy 16. Taxation 17. Economic and monetary union 18. Statistics 19. Social policy and employment 20. Enterprise & industrial policy 21. Trans-European networks 22. Regional policy & structural funds 23. Judiciary & fundamental rights 24. Justice, freedom & security 25. Science and research 26. Education and culture 27. Environment 28. Consumer and health protection 29. Customs union 30. External relations 31. Foreign, security, defence policy 32. Financial control 33. Financial & budgetary provisions 34. Institutions 35. Other issues The EU law is divided into 35 Chapters The EU law is divided into 35 Chapters

3 THE NEGOTIATING CHAPTERS Why? Why? To ensure all parts of the EU acquis can be addressed in systematic way To ensure all parts of the EU acquis can be addressed in systematic way To provide practical way to facilitate work To provide practical way to facilitate work

4 HOW TO OPEN CHAPTERS? The Commission Screening report (SR) recommends opening of Chapter, or setting up opening of benchmark The Commission Screening report (SR) recommends opening of Chapter, or setting up opening of benchmark there have been published so far 32 and they are all available online there have been published so far 32 and they are all available online Member States decide if Chapter(s) is/are ready to be opened and it so invites a candidate country to submit NP; Member States decide if Chapter(s) is/are ready to be opened and it so invites a candidate country to submit NP; If not, opening benchmarks are defined; If not, opening benchmarks are defined; A Chapter is formally opened when both sides have presented their NP and is formally enacted at the ministerial meeting A Chapter is formally opened when both sides have presented their NP and is formally enacted at the ministerial meeting out of 32 Chapters, there are 10 Chapters with opening benchmarks out of 32 Chapters, there are 10 Chapters with opening benchmarks

5 HOW TO OPEN CHAPTERS? On each Chapter, the EU agrees a CP (EUCP) based on a Draft Commission Position (DCP) On each Chapter, the EU agrees a CP (EUCP) based on a Draft Commission Position (DCP) EUCP must say whether Chapter can be closed or not EUCP must say whether Chapter can be closed or not HR NP – DCP – EUNP – OPENING HR has submitted 14 NPs; HR has submitted 14 NPs; 6 are opened; 2 already provisionally closed and several are to be opened on 26/06/2007 under the German Presidency. 6 are opened; 2 already provisionally closed and several are to be opened on 26/06/2007 under the German Presidency. Most of the remaining chapters without benchmarks will be opened during the Portugal Presidency. Most of the remaining chapters without benchmarks will be opened during the Portugal Presidency.

6 KEY MESSAGES Negotiations are about substance, not number of chapters; Negotiations are about substance, not number of chapters; Quality rather than speed; Quality rather than speed; Need to have good negotiations with good results for a successful accession and full benefits for the Croatian citizens. Need to have good negotiations with good results for a successful accession and full benefits for the Croatian citizens. 3C 3C 1. Coordination – establishing strong structure 2. Consensus – maintaining the process at home 3. Communication – public as the key actor


8 THE RESULTS 8 towns in 8 days: Sisak, Osijek, Vukovar, Slavonski Brod, Split, Zadar, Rijeka, Pula (start in Zagreb) 8 towns in 8 days: Sisak, Osijek, Vukovar, Slavonski Brod, Split, Zadar, Rijeka, Pula (start in Zagreb) 8 lectures with students and citizens (various topics) 8 lectures with students and citizens (various topics) Other conferences, forums, debates (e.g. Economic Forum in Vukovar,European Movement conf. in Split on transregional cooperation etc.) Other conferences, forums, debates (e.g. Economic Forum in Vukovar,European Movement conf. in Split on transregional cooperation etc.) Distribution of approx. 23 000 publications (13 000 by MFAEI and more than 10 000 by the ECD) and 8150 items of promotional material Distribution of approx. 23 000 publications (13 000 by MFAEI and more than 10 000 by the ECD) and 8150 items of promotional material Stands with local products organized in almost all cities Stands with local products organized in almost all cities 4 exhibitions 4 exhibitions 5 film screenings (free for citizens) 5 film screenings (free for citizens) Around 1000 copies of EU quiz filled out Around 1000 copies of EU quiz filled out 8 daily winners in prize winning game for each town and 1 winner in final prize drawing (language course) 8 daily winners in prize winning game for each town and 1 winner in final prize drawing (language course) Other side events generated by the EU bus (sport and cultural – jazz concert, puppet show, children festival in Slav.Brod, performances in Rijeka) Other side events generated by the EU bus (sport and cultural – jazz concert, puppet show, children festival in Slav.Brod, performances in Rijeka)




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