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Functions and Demo of Astrogrid 1.1 China-VO Haijun Tian.

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Presentation on theme: "Functions and Demo of Astrogrid 1.1 China-VO Haijun Tian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Functions and Demo of Astrogrid 1.1 China-VO Haijun Tian

2 Outline The brief introduction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

3 Outline The brief introduction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

4 The Brief introduction of AG Astrogrid is a £7.7M project aimed at building a data-grid for UK astronomy. AstroGrid is a Virtual Observatory (VO), which can broadly be defined as collection of interoperating astrophysical data archives and software tools accessible through the internet. AG is particularly useful for comparison and integration of data from diverse sources, for example in multiwavelength studies.

5 The goals of the AG A working datagrid for key UK databases High throughput datamining facilities for interrogating those databases A uniform archive query and data-mining software interface The ability to browse simultaneously multiple datasets A set of tools for integrated on-line analysis of extracted data A set of tools for on-line database analysis and exploration A facility for users to upload code to run their own algorithms on the datamining machines An exploration of techniques for open-ended resource discovery

6 Outline The brief introduction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

7 The Setting of AG’running Web Browser: Mozilla >= 1.7.2 or I.E. >=6.0 or Firefox >=1.0.4 JRE>= 1.4.2 Java Webstart >= 1.4.2

8 Outline The brief introduaction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

9 Main components of AG Myspace: Storing files Data and results (in standard VO format ) can be accessed or stored securely and remotely by user This storage space is physically distributed on several AstroGrid machines Resources: Locating resources Tasks search and catalogs search (return a maximum of 100 entries)

10 Main components of AG Catalog Search

11 Main components of AG Tasks search

12 Main components of AG Queries: Building a query Load existing queries from MySpace. Cut and paste queries from a file. Create new queries from scratch. Create new queries locating a suitable resource first, then using its metadata to create Click and paste buttons. Use the "Select a Table" button. "ADQL helpers" let you click and paste ADQL keywords to the entry area.


14 Main components of AG Workflows : Building and edit a workflow Job Monitor: Monitoring job execution Help Two fully functioning interfaces: Web based portal Java WebStart clientside Workbench

15 Outline The brief introduction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

16 Main Functions of AG AstroGrid Science Services : RedShiftMaker Solar Movie Maker Color Cutter

17 Main Functions of AG AstroGrid Science Services : RedShiftMaker Solar Movie Maker Color Cutter

18 RedShiftMaker Workflow

19 RedShiftMaker Astrogrid Dashboard

20 RedShiftMaker User has to input the required coordinates (RA and Dec) in decimal degrees (J2000). These coordinates will be used to query the WFS database for images which have covered that position.

21 RedShiftMaker Jobs Monitor

22 RedShiftMaker Output files: The output files are saved into MySpace and are the following: Images (if user selected to save them) in votable/intwfs/Run*.fits SExtractor files in votable/sex_?.vot Band merged catalogues in votable/xmatch_*.vot Photometric redshift catalogue (containing all the information from previous files) in votable/zphot*vot

23 RedShiftMaker

24 Main Functions of AG AstroGrid Science Services : RedShiftMaker Solar Movie Maker Color Cutter

25 Solar Movie Maker This Astrogrid science service allows a user to make a movie of solar images by means of a simple interface. Datasets are: SOHO/EIT and TRACE. Input parameters Instrument name: either 'trace' or 'eit' Start date/time and end date/time (yyyy/mm/ddThh:mm:ss.000)

26 Solar Movie Maker

27 Main Functions of AG AstroGrid Science Services : RedShiftMaker Solar Movie Maker Color Cutter

28 This Astrogrid science service allows the user to select IR and optical objects by region and by colour. It is available via the Workbench or as a Parameterised Workflow from the Portal home page.

29 Color Cutter Parameterised Workflow

30 Color Cutter Input parameters

31 Color Cutter Output files: CCut_RA56.7Dec23.867_1.0 files; (optical);* (matched, with colours added).

32 Outline The brief introduaction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools main The demo of AG1.1

33 Aladin Aladin is an interactive software sky atlas allowing the user to visualize digitized images of any part of the sky Data Sources :SIMBAD, NED, VizieR, Yourselves’ data etc Aladin is particularly useful for multi-spectral cross- identifications of astronomical sources, observation preparation and quality control of new data sets. The Aladin’s Plugins : VOPlot (VO-India ) etc.

34 Aladin

35 Topcat Topcat is an interactive graphical viewer and editor for tabular data. It is not restricted to astronomical applications. The ways to view and analyse tables: a browser for the cell data themselves, viewers for information about table and column metadata, and facilities for plotting, calculating statistics and joining tables using flexible matching algorithms.

36 Topcat Input formats a. FITS TABLE (ASCII table) or BINTABLE (binary table) extensions b. VOTables in any of the format variants (TABLEDATA, FITS or BINARY) c. ASCII tables in a number of variations d. Comma-Separated Values e. Results of SQL queries on relational databases

37 Topcat output formats: a. FITS BINTABLE (binary table) b. VOTables in any of the format variants (TABLEDATA, FITS or BINARY) c. Plain ASCII text d. Comma-Separated Values e. HTML TABLE element d. LaTeX tabular environment e. New table exported to an SQL-compatible relational database

38 Topcat

39 The demo of AG1.1 The brief introduaction The setting of AG’s running The main components and functions of AG The assistant software tools The demo of AG1.1

40 Summary Prospect Summary & Prospect

41 Thanks a lot ! Question

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