5 Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies 5 th Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies Key Action.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies 5 th Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies Key Action."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies 5 th Framework Programme (1998 - 2002) Information Society Technologies Key Action 1: Systems and Services for the Citizen 6th Call Information Day 2nd February 2001,Brussels DG Information Society European Commission

2 2 Health: Action line I.1.2 Intelligent collaborative environments supporting continuity of care

3 3 Focus : on technology and systems supporting care at the point of need and on collaborative environments for ensuring continuity of patients care at all levels. I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

4 4 Integrating two aspects of previous call 2000: 1.1.2 Intelligent environment for patients 1.1.3 Advanced interactive environments for doctors and nurses I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

5 5 Care at the point of need : 1st and 3rd call Biosensors Ambient intelligence Biosensors Ambient intelligence Hubs Ubiquitous computing Hubs Ubiquitous computing Middleware and communication Middleware and communication Reference centres Intelligent interface Reference centres Intelligent interface We have got but we need to reinforce I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

6 6 Millions of Patients can be better assisted through tele-medicine systems. PATIENTS MUST BE SUPPORTED 20 million families invest themselves in caring of relatives seriously affected. FAMILIES MUST BE SUPPORTED The need is still there

7 7 Collaborative environment: How to relate with call 2000? I.1.2 Intelligent environment for patients I.1.3 Advanced interactive environments for doctors and nurses I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

8 8 Collaborative environment: through time and place; in order to ensure continuity of care -not just providing information but sharing responsibility - not just providing advise but sharing objectives and resources I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

9 9 Continuity of Care (the need) Care at the point of need Collaborative Working ( through time & place) Conceptual & Technological Innovation Intelligent agents Augmented reality Genetic Algorithms Optronics Neural Networks + Ontology What are doubt, time, error? Systems Citizen Action line I.1.1. Action line I.1.2 Intelligent cooperative environments supporting continuity of care

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