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Resume What is a Resume? -One workplace writing form that you will probably use and update frequently as you accumulate skills and experience is the resume.

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Presentation on theme: "Resume What is a Resume? -One workplace writing form that you will probably use and update frequently as you accumulate skills and experience is the resume."— Presentation transcript:

1 Resume What is a Resume? -One workplace writing form that you will probably use and update frequently as you accumulate skills and experience is the resume. This document, a written summary of your qualifications, is a key part of most career or job searches. An effective resume: 1.Includes the writer’s name, address, and telephone number. 2.Briefly presents the writer’s educational background, work experience, and other qualifying life experiences. 3.Organizes information logically and in labeled sections. 4.Uses visual organization to direct a reader’s attention.

2 Prewriting: For your resume, list highlights from educational and work experiences. Consider life skills that demonstrate responsibility, such as those gained from baby-sitting, extracurricular activities, or community work. Gather key details about dates and locations of these experiences. Drafting: Choose an organization method, and apply it consistently as you draft. Use either sentences or phrases in your experience descriptions, but don’t mix the two.

3 Revising: Review the job or experience descriptions you have written. Sharpen the language with action verbs that show what you’ve done and quantify accomplishments with concrete numbers. Editing and Proofreading: Experiment with layout and typestyles to further highlight important information. Check for mistakes in consistency, and correct any variations in format.

4 Publishing and Presenting: To use the resume of your talents and skills, print the document on good-quality paper in a neutral color, such as white or ivory. When you hear or read about a job you’d like to pursue, send your resume along with a cover letter, using standard business-letter format.

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