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Homework MA #2 due tomorrow Current events article due Friday.

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1 Homework MA #2 due tomorrow Current events article due Friday

2 Aim #6: How did Feudalism and Manorialism emerge in Western Europe? Do Now: Based on our discussion from yesterday, does Charles deserve the title of Charlemagne (“Charles the Great”)? Why or why not?

3 I. Decline of the Carolingians A. Empire is divided into three sections by Char’s grandsons. They compete for power while the empire crumbles. B. During 800s / 900s, W. Europe is invaded by Muslims, the Magyars and Vikings

4 II. Rise of Feudalism/Manorialism A. People can’t depend on royal governments to protect them from invasions, so they turn to powerful lords/nobles for protection. Feudalism and Manorialism are born.

5 II. Rise of Feudalism/Manorialism Feudalism: Political and military system based on the ownership of land. Example: Lord (king, upper noble) gives land (fief) to a Vassal (lower noble) in return for military service from the vassal.

6 II. Rise of Feudalism/Manorialism  Manorialism: Economic system that supports feudalism Example: Lords live on manors (large, self- sufficient estates) farmed by serfs (peasants bound to the land). 1. Many people become serfs willingly. Why? 2. How is being a serf similar to being a slave? How is it different?

7 III. Lord/Vassal Relationship under Feudalism Feudal Contract: Unwritten rules that established mutual obligations between the lord and the vassal:  Lord owes his Vassal: Land (fief), military protection.  Vassal owes his Lord: Military service, Loyalty, Financial payments, Advice, Sitting in judgment during a court case.  A noble could be a vassal to someone more powerful (like a king), and also be the lord over someone less powerful (like a knight). This was called subinfeudation.

8 IV. Lord/Serf Relationship in Manorialism Lord owes the Serf: Land to farm on, food, clothing, shelter, protection from other lords and foreign invaders. Serf owes the Lord: Three days of service a week on the lord’s lands, a percentage of the crops they grow on their own lands, fees (for bringing grain to the lord’s mill, getting married, inheriting property), obedience (serf could not leave or marry someone from outside the manor without the lord’s permission).

9 Concluding Question If you had lived during the Middle Ages, would you have agreed to become a serf? Why or why not?

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