Conduction Convection Evaporation Protection Weight factor Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Thermal conductivity (W/m°C) Body movement, temperature,

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Presentation on theme: "Conduction Convection Evaporation Protection Weight factor Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Thermal conductivity (W/m°C) Body movement, temperature,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Conduction Convection Evaporation Protection Weight factor Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Thermal conductivity (W/m°C) Body movement, temperature, humidity, air velocity Radiation Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Air resistance (KPa·s/m ) Body movement, temperature, humidity, air velocity Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Temperature, sun radiation Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm 2 ) Air resistance (KPa·s/m) Contact angle '(Front) Contact angle '(Back) Overall Moisture Management Capacity (OMMC) Water vapour permeability (kg/m2/h)*10 Body movement, temperature, humidity, air velocity Thickness (mm) Weight (g/100cm2) Anti-static (*10^11 ohms) Abarison-15000-Weight loss percentage (‰) UPF rating

2 1.Li Yi. Wool sensory and product development Summer wear: Thermal moisture(45%)>tactile(10%)>body fit(5%) account for 60% The rest 40% 1. ConductionConvectionEvaporation Radiation and Protection

3  2. Albert PC Chan. Factors affecting horticultural and cleaning workers' preference on cooling vests ‘Thermal comfort’, ‘Usability’, ‘Tactile comfort’ and ‘Fabric hand accounted for 68.8% of the variance in the original variables. ‘Thermal comfort’ (Factor 1) accounted for 42.7%. ‘Usability’ (Factor 2), 11.3%‘ ‘ Tactile comfort’ (Factor 3), 9.0% ‘Fabric hand (feel)’ (Factor 4), 5.9%

4 3. Author: Brooks GA, Fahey TD, White TP (1996) Condition: a nude person at rest is placed in a thermal comfortable room at normally 21 ℃ -25 ℃. Result: Radiation accounts for approximately 60% of total heat loss Conduction accounts for 3% of total body heat loss Convection accounts for 15% of total body heat loss Evaporation accounts for 25% of total body heat loss 4. Author: Fanger () Condition: clothing is 1 clo, environmental temperature, relative humidity and air velocity are 23 ℃, 50% RH and 0.1m/s. Radiation accounts for approximately 37% of total heat loss Conduction accounts for 7% of total body heat loss Convection accounts for 36% of total body heat loss Evaporation accounts for 20% of total body heat loss When one is physically active, evaporation can account for almost 80%.

5 2. Clothing basic property influence__Experimental studies TitleBasic propertyResult Effect of physical activity and air velocity on the thermal insulation of clothing [1985] Physical activity and air velocity on thermal insulation (evaluating conduction, convection, and radiation) It was increased by up to 25% in the seated position, reduced by 7-26% during bicycling and by 30-50% during walking. An air velocity of 11 ms-1 reduced the surface air insulation by 50% in the standing position and 30% during walking. Effect of Garment Fit on Thermal Insulation and Evaporative Resistance [2004] Garment FitClothing thermal insulation and moisture vapor resistance Increase with the thickness of the air gap between the garment and the body when the air gap is small. When the air gap is too large, thermal insulation and vapor resistance may decrease with an increasing air gap. The effect of wind, body movement and garment adjustments on the effective thermal resistance of clothing with low and high air permeability insulation [2013] Air permeability, wind, body movement and garment factor The use of high-permeability insulation may allow clothing designers to create more comfortable clothing by encouraging ventilation, particularly by creating localized cooling.

6 TitleBasic propertyResult Combined effects of fabric air permeability and moisture absorption on clothing microclimate and subjective sensation during intermittent exercise at 27.8 C [1999] Moisture regain and air permeability the present results suggest that the combined effects of moisture regain and air permeability of fabrics might be of significance for the determination of clothing surface temperature and clothing microclimate humidity. Influence of clothing material properties on rectal temperature in different Environments [2002] Air temperature Moisture regain The rectal temperature was the highest for the clothing with the lower air permeability and moisture regain during both the cooling and heating periods (convective, radiation and evaporation). In the hot environment after heating (sweating is the main heat transfer way), the rectal temperature was the lowest for the clothing with the higher air permeability and moisture regain in environments of both with and without wind. The effect of fabric air permeability on clothing ventilation[2004] Air permeabilityThe microclimate ventilation was significantly higher in the more permeable suit compared with the less permeable ones when standing with no wind and when walking with wind. The air permeability of the two permeable suits increased ventilation significantly when walking with no wind and when standing with wind. 2. Clothing basic property influence__Experimental studies

7 TitleBasic propertyResult Maximum Sustainable Work Rate for Five Protective Clothing Ensembles with Respect to Moisture Vapor Transmission Rate and Air Permeability [2006] Air permeability and Moisture vapor transmission A stronger relationship between air permeability and maximum sustainable work; Air permeability was a better predictor of fabric work limiting performance than MVTR Effects of moisture absorption of clothing on pitching speed of amateur baseball players in hot conditions[2006] Moisture absorption Clothing types with different moisture absorption could affect pitching speed in trained baseball players in a hot. Cotton is slightly better with its good moisture absorption property Effects of Thermal and Moisture Transport Properties of T-shirts on Wearer’s Comfort Sensations [2007] Thermal and Moisture Transport Properties 1.Thermal insulation is related to body’s warm feeling, wetness and overall comfort. 2. Moisture transmission is related to body’s comfort in the middle and post exercise. 3. Drying property is important after exercise. Effect of moisture transport on microclimate under T-shirts [2008] Moisture transmission ability Moisture transmission ability is more important than absorption ability.

8 TitleBasic propertyResult EFFECT of textile hygroscopicity on stratum conium hydration, skin erythema and skin temperature during exercise in the presence of wind and no wind (2011) Textile hygroscopicity Under 30min moderate exercise, textile hygroscopicity has insufficient influence on skin temperature with or without wind. Evaluation of thermal and moisture management properties on knitted fabrics and comparison with a physiological model in warm conditions (2011) Air permeability, moisture regain, drying time and OMMC etc. Skin temperature is related to thermal conductivity, air permeability and OMMC; Skin wetness is related to moisture resistance, moisture regain drying time, air permeability and OMMC. Influence of Sportswear Fabric Properties on the Health and Performance of Athletes (2012) Moisture transmission ability and thermal conductivity Polyester is better for health and performance because of its moisture transmission ability and low thermal conductivity The Effect of Air Permeability Characteristics of Protective Garments on the Induced Physiological Strain under Exercise-Heat Stress (2013) Air permeabilityAir permeability is important for reducing physiological strain.

9 3. Theoretical studies Li Yi

10 1.The relative importance of heat, moisture, tactile and other properties was investigated by a few researchers and the studies are based on subjective studies. 2. The proportion of conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation depends on many factors, such as clothing, body movement, temperature, humidity and air velocity. Only a few studies discussed the proportion under specific conditions. The relative importance of protection properties are not found in the literatures. 3. Clothing property influence on conduction, convection, radiation and evaporation separately is rare. Studies are mainly focused on finding the property influence on physiological or physiological responses of human body or building the theoretical model, based on heat and moisture transfer equations. Some studies revealed the importance of certain basic properties, however, weight factors are difficult to get. Establishing the clothing selection model is difficult from the existing researches.

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