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Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM.

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Presentation on theme: "Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

2 Types Organic soil conditioners Inorganic (Synthetic) soil conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

3 Types of Organic soil conditioners Organic Green Manure Compost Peat Crop Resides Coconut shell mulch Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

4 Organic Soil Conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Soil organic matter serves as a reservoir for nutrients; Improves soil structure, Drainage, Aeration, Cation exchange capacity, Buffering capacity, and water-holding capacity; and provides a source of food for microorganisms. Generally soils having higher in organic matter have improved soil physical conditions. The effectiveness of organic soil conditioners can be partly evaluated by examining several properties of soil organic matter.

5 Organic Soil Conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Soil organic matter is defined as the organic fraction of the soil and includes plant and animal residues at various stages of decomposition, cells and tissues of organisms, and compounds synthesized by the soil organism population. Soil organic matter contains a wide array of compounds ranging from fats, carbohydrates, and proteins to high molecular weight humic and fulvic acids.

6 Green manure Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM GM is a crop that is grown mainly to add nutrients and organic matter to the soil, this kind of crop is used in rotation with other crops, which is ploughed under to serve the same purposes as animal manure. The roots of some green manure grow deep into the soil and bring up nutrients that are not present in shallow rooted crops. Leguminous crops are especially favored as green manures because they add nitrogen to the soil.

7 Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

8 Compost Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Compost is made by forming alternate layers of organic matter and soil, commercially made fertilizer can also be added to the compost.

9 Carbon Nitrogen Oxygen Water Components needed during Composting Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

10 Components needed during Composting Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Decomposition can take place even without these ingredients, but the process can be slow and unpleasant. Vegetables, if decomposed in plastic bag, will develop a foul smell

11 Peat Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Consists of plant remains; it improves soil structure

12 Crop residues Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Crop residues contain substantial quantities of plant nutrients. Recycling of plant nutrients Soil moisture temperature regimes, enhancement of soil structure, erosion control

13 Approximate C: N ratios of organic material and soil microbes. SI.NOCrop ResiduesC:N Ratio 1Alfalfa (young)13:1 2Bluegrass30:1 3Maize Straw40:1 4Straw (small grain)80:1 5Sewage Sludge10-12:1 6Cattle Manure30:1 7Peat Moss58:1 8Sawdust Hardwood295: 1 9Hardwood295: 1 10Pine729:1 Soil Microbes 11Bacteria5:1 12Actinomycetes6:1 13Fungi10:1 Source: Tnau agritech portal Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

14 Coconut shell mulch Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM The mulching made from the grinding up of coconut shells. its is extremely long lasting since it comes from a tropical plant and decomposes very slowly;

15 Coconut shell mulch Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM It has a very strong but pleasant odor which is suppose to keep bugs and animals (dogs and cats) away from the plants it is mulching. Other Organic Fertilizers Include bird and bat droppings, blood meal, bone meal, and fish meal.

16 Coconut shell mulch Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM All these substances contain nitrogen and other essential elements Bone meal is an excellent source of the element phosphorus. But blood meal, bone meal, and fish meal is seldom used on farms as fertilizers, because it is too expensive.

17 Types of Inorganic soil conditioners Inorganic Synthetic Binding Agents Mineral Conditioners Gypsum Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM

18 Synthetic Binding Agents Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM New polymers applied at much lower rates have been promoted as soil conditioners. These polymers include Natural polysaccharides, Anionic Cationic polymers, polyacrylamides.

19 Synthetic Binding Agents Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM The compounds are very high molecular weight, long-chain polymeric, organic compounds, which bind particles together and form stable aggregates

20 Mineral Conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Gypsum has long been recognized for its benefits on high sodium-containing soils. Gypsum is a mineral with the chemical composition CaSO 4 * 2H 2 O. It occurs in nature as soft crystalline rock and varies in purity.

21 Mineral Conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Gypsum has been shown to displace exchangeable sodium from the cation exchange sites of soils high in sodium With irrigation or dryland, gypsum can be used to reclaim saline areas or slick spots, soften and crumble alkali hard pans, supply calcium on low exchange capacity soils, and improve infiltration for some puddled soils.

22 Mineral Conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Gypsum is not recommended on soils containing native gypsum or areas irrigated with water containing abundant amounts of calcium and magnesium The amount of gypsum to apply depends on the purity of the gypsum and the quantity of sodium present in the soil. Actual rates should be based on a salt-alkali soil test.

23 Gypsum Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Lowers bulk compactness of soil Prevents water run-off and eroding Betters Soil Composition It affords root growth and air and water movement. Converts Salty Soils

24 Gypsum Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM An economical method to resolve salty soils. Ties Organic Matter to Clay The importance of organic matter is magnified when it is dispensed with gypsum. Soil crusting is impossible and then helps seed emersion.

25 Gypsum Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM No crust formation allows more and faster seed emergence and a couple days earlier to harvest and market. Betters low dissolved matter Irrigation Water Develops water use efficiency

26 Gypsum Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM Gypsum helps the efficiency use of water for the crops. In periods of drought, this is exceedingly important. Helps moist soils to be tilled easier Less energy is required for the tillage

27 Quantity of gypsum applied in mineral soil conditioners Types and use of soil conditioners/amendments under INM 10 tons/acre. Gypsum applied at less than 500 pounds per acre Limestone, crushed rock, and other products high in calcium and/or magnesium which improve the physical condition of some soils, when applied at several tons per acre.

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