1. 2 1. Who is Real Estate Title? We represent REAL ESTATE TITLE. RET is a Mexican company based in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, primarily Providing title.

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2 2 1. Who is Real Estate Title? We represent REAL ESTATE TITLE. RET is a Mexican company based in Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico, primarily Providing title search and title exams for real estate property in Mexico.

3 3 2. Who is Fidelity? Fidelity National Financial Global Solutions is the international arm of the Fidelity family of title insurance underwriters.

4 4 FAMILY OF UNDERWRITERS Fidelity owns Chicago Title, Ticor, Alamo and Fidelity National Title Insurance Company. It is a Fortune 500 Company and trades in the New York Stock Exchange. It is the biggest real estate solution provider in the US.

5 5 3. What is title insurance? Is a policy that guarantees title to investors in Mexico in the same way as the United States. US law and jurisdiction governs Fidelity's policies.

6 6 4. Why is it important to investors? It guarantees possession and ownership of real estate property in Mexico. All fees are paid in the U.S. Fidelity’s policy provides for defense costs in Mexico for any covered claim or attack on title. Any dispute between the policy holder and the Fidelity insurance company is settled before a U.S. Court.

7 7 5. What products are offered?. a.Title Insurance Policies (Owner’s, lender´s and leasehold) b. Master Title Commitment for subdivision and condominium developments c. Escrow Services d. Legal counseling for foreign investors by RET.

8 8 What is a Master Title Commitment? a.Provides would be users of lots and or pads with additional comfort that U.S. Title insurance is available. b.Facilitates the quick and efficient issuance of title insurance. c.Disocunted packages are available to developers.

9 9 2. What is the cost on title search fees? Title search fees may vary depending on title conditions and location. It could vary from USD$1,500 to $3,500 dollars per title examined.

10 10 What is the premium cost on title insurance? Premium policy price may vary depending on title conditions. Commonly a $5 per thousand in commercial property, this means that client will spend $5 dollars per every $1,000 invested in the property. A $7 per thousand cost of premium is charged on residential property.

11 11 Fidelity provides escrow service? Yes, Fidelity does provide escrow service. A flat fee is charged, an average $700 per transaction, and the amount may vary on Escrow Agreement conditions. All monies are transferred to an account at the JP Morgan Chase Bank under the name of Fidelity.

12 12 What matters does the insurance policy covers? Benefits include the following: -Assurance as of the identity of the legal owner of the property. -Identification of all existing financing recorded against the property. -Identifications of all easements, private restrictions and other encumbrances recorded against the property.

13 13 Cont. Insurance coverage -Assurance as of the existence of legal right of access to property. -Assurance for a lender that it has a valid and legally enforceable security interest in the property. -Indemnification against loss based on covered matters. -Indemnification as to the cost of defense against adverse claims based on covered matters.

14 14 Certification process and policy issuance. a.Both RET and Fidelity are accustomed to providing fast service to our clients. b.RET brings knowledge acquired in representing buyers, sellers and lenders involved in Mexican real estate. c.Fidelity is a top underwriter interested in closing transactions.

15 15 What is the procedure in obtaining title insurance? Client delivers a copy of title to Real Estate Title ( RET) and pays in advance expenses for title search. Once title research has been performed, RET will deliver an opinion to Fidelity. If all is accordingly to local and federal laws, Fidelity will then issue a commitment letter.

16 16 Cont. Process All paper work will then be taken to the chosen Notario Publico to elaborate contract which is then signed by parties involved, monies are delivered to each party, including premium cost for Fidelity. Title insurance policy is delivered after the Notario Publico has registered title in the Public Registry of Property recording office of the county where the property is located.

17 17 Advantages over other title insurance providers? -All escrow funds are deposited in U.S. Bank accounts in the JP Morgan Chase Bank in New York City, so no taxes are paid in Mexico for any transaction with Fidelity. -In case of dispute US Courts have jurisdiction. - U.S. Law applies.

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