Enterprise Software Architecture Modelling Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "Enterprise Software Architecture Modelling Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Enterprise Software Architecture Modelling Tool


3  Flash-based enterprise software architecture modelling tool  Has visual tools for senior managers  Supported by detailed data for technologists  Different views show architecture changes over time  Driver for change  Shows areas of system redundancy  Shows potential alternatives

4  Architecture defined by:  Logical Components  Software Systems  Services (in a Service Oriented Architecture)  Small footprint – typically < 1 Mb  Portable – runs on any Flash-enabled browser  No database or web server required for distribution

5 Data gathering XML file produced Adobe Flex Flash file produced Direct distribution End Users Web Server Publish to internet / intranet System Owners Flash- enabled Web Browser Microsoft Excel

6  Initial data gathering phase  Data held in Excel and transformed into XML  XML data read by Adobe Flex application  Flex application compiled into Flash object  XML data encapsulated within Flash object  Flash file distributed as required

7 offers provides to requested by offers provides to requested by supports

8  Based around Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)  Logical components describe aspects of the business model  Each logical component offers a number of services  These services are requested by other components

9 offers provides S1 to System 2 offers provides S2 to System... requests S1 from System 1

10  Systems support various components  Implied service relationships between systems because of components  Actual service relationships between systems also stored


12  Default starting view for Model-One  Typically 20-25 logical components  Components can be grouped as required  Actors (non-technology components) show people, teams, external groups  Tooltips show detailed component descriptions  Components can be clicked to show detailed information


14  Shows detailed information about logical component (can be altered as required)  Services offered by the component  Services provided by the component to other components  Services requested by the component from other components


16  Shows systems supporting this component  Filters available by system or timeline view  Can see which services offered by the component are actually used by the systems


18  Each logical component is supported by one or more software systems  Immediately shows areas of redundancy where there are many systems supporting the same logical components  Systems colour-coded to show fate across time  Multiple user-defined views available to show architecture changes over time


20  Like logical components, each system offers, provides and requests services  Unlike logical components, these are actual services  This can validate the notional services offered by the components


22  Impact tab shows what would happen if the selected system is demised  In this case, ALGO provides a number of services to MUREX  If one service is selected, then any alternative systems that can provide the same service will be shown on the right

23  In this case, Prism offers the “Create Limits” service, so this system may be used as an alternative to support Murex if ALGO is demised

24  However, for the “RM Functions – UI” service, there is no alternative system  This can drive analysis and bring out issues much earlier in the development cycle


26  Business process modelling view  Business scenarios with steps defined  Each step can be linked to a service within the model  Acts as validation for the model and a useful training tool

27  Clicking on each step highlights the components and services used

28  As each step is selected, the previously-used components remain active


30  Each system can be linked to two functional groups (user-defined)  This allows a system architecture diagram to be derived


32  Dynamic visualisation of system-service connections  Nodes (systems or services) rotate and move when selected  Clearly shows related systems and how they are linked

33  Agile development methods mean user- requested changes (new data or visualisations) can be added easily  Small footprint and use of Flash ensures ease of distribution  Blends clean information visualisation with underlying data power  Clear driver for change projects

34  thushan@goto10consulting.com thushan@goto10consulting.com  www.goto10consulting.com www.goto10consulting.com

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