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The truth about Wicca!. Wiccan has been put down since the beginning of time (or at least recorded time). Many people (Christian and non-christian alike)

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Presentation on theme: "The truth about Wicca!. Wiccan has been put down since the beginning of time (or at least recorded time). Many people (Christian and non-christian alike)"— Presentation transcript:

1 The truth about Wicca!

2 Wiccan has been put down since the beginning of time (or at least recorded time). Many people (Christian and non-christian alike) have associated Wicca with Satan or Satanic. Here are sort facts and myths of Wicca: Myth:Fact: Wiccans worship the devil. Wiccans, in fact, do not even believe in the devil. They worship many deities the main ones are Mother Goddess and Father God. Wiccans uses brooms to fly. Wiccans fly the same as the rest of the human race, on an airplane. All Wiccans wear black all the time. Wiccans can wear what ever makes them comfortable. Wiccans cast black magick spells. Magic is nether black or white. It is just grey until it is used Many Wiccans bide by the rules lied down by the elders (Listed in slide 3 and translated on slide 4)

3 Bide ye Wiccan laws ye must, in perfect love and perfect trust. Live and let live, fairly take and fairly give. Form the circle thrice about to keep all evil spirits out. Soft of eye, light of touch, speak ye little, listen much. Deosil go by the waxing moon, singing out ye Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune. When the Lady's moon is new, kiss your hand to her times two. When the rippling waters flow, cast a stone and truth ye'll know. When ye have and hold a need, harken not with others' greed. With a fool no seasons spend, lest ye be counted as his friend. Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. Mind ye threefold law ye should, three times bad and three times good. When misfortune is anow, wear the star upon thy brow. True in Love ye must ever be, lest thy love be false to thee. In these eight words, the Wiccan Rede fulfill "An' it harm none, do what thou wilt." The wiccans Rules.

4 About the Wiccan/Witches Rede Much criticism has been leveled at the Witches Rede by outsiders who, by a quick reading of the text, assume that it is a license to do whatever "feels good" to the individual without accompanying responsibility. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Witches' Rede is rich with compassion, empathy and respect for others, the individual practitioner, the Goddess and God, and Mother Earth. It guides and directs our energies "for the good of all".

5 The main God and Goddess (Father God and Mother Goddess) is some times believed that they, together, make up “The All” or “The One”. Both Are different then each other. The Trinity Goddess The Mother Goddess (or Trinity Goddess) is represented by the phases of the moon. When the moon is waxing (or becoming full) the goddess is the Young One. When it is full she is the Mother. When it is waning (or becoming new) She is represented by the Old One. The Horn God The Father God (or the Horn God) is represented by his horns.

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