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First Born - Oldest Strong-willed Dominant Leader – bossy Highly successful, sense of responsibility Works independently High need for achievement More.

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Presentation on theme: "First Born - Oldest Strong-willed Dominant Leader – bossy Highly successful, sense of responsibility Works independently High need for achievement More."— Presentation transcript:


2 First Born - Oldest Strong-willed Dominant Leader – bossy Highly successful, sense of responsibility Works independently High need for achievement More self-oriented Tendency to become angry May have more anxiety as a child

3 Second Born – Middle Child More spontaneous, easy going Tactful Relaxed and patient Competes indirectly – sneaky, tricky ways Diplomatic Emotionally responsive Used to adapting and sharing

4 Youngest Pleasant companion Relaxed, enjoyable Manipulator Does not like responsibility May feel inadequate or inferior Babyish, playful Less driven toward accomplishments Withdraws when threatened

5 Only More self-confident and relaxed than first born Needs time for themselves Sometimes demanding and possessive More sophisticated vocabulary Confident Assertive

6 Every child must feel that he/she has a special place in the family and subconsciously make himself/herself different from others in the family!

7 Split Hemisphere Theory Left brain/ Right brain Your brain is split in two halves – each half controls certain actions. Ideas are created in the right side of the brain, then sent to the left side to be processed and explained. If one side is more dominant than the other, then the following personality traits may be more evident.

8 Left Side of the Brain Planner – systematic Knowledge (memorizing) Thinker Concrete Like routine Relate to words Adult like – do it now!

9 Right Side of the Brain Spontaneous Creative and imaginative Feelings – intuitive Abstract Handles change well Relates to pictures “Child” like - playful

10 How does this affect us today? 90 % of our population are highly creative in the first 5 years of life. Within the next two years of life, it drops to 7%. By age 8, only 2% of our population are creative.

11 As adults, we usually use one side more often than the other! Society use to favor the left side. Creative people: turn problems into opportunities. turn negative comments into compliments. observe others to learn new and better ways to do things and handle situations. turn work into play. are happy because they look at life positively. learn to relax so they can use the right brain more – laughter and humor help.

12 Self-Theory of Personality Three parts to your personality: 1.The self we show others; the way we act when out in public; the things we are interested in; the way we look, the type of conversations we have; the impression we give others - Social self

13 Self-Theory of Personality 2. Your ideas, values, beliefs; what you think about when you’re alone; the way you act when you’re alone - Personal self

14 Self-Theory of Personality 3. The way you would like to be; the changes in your personality that you want to make in the future; what you want for your future - Ideal self

15 Self-Theory of Personality Your goal is life is for all 3 parts of your personality to be congruent - meaning similar. A congruent personality is true to himself/herself in all situations. You act (social) consistent with your goals (ideal) and values (personal).

16 Self-Theory Bag 1. One side of the bag – label Personal. Cut out pictures, words, phrases that represent that side of you. 2. The other side of the bag – label Social. Cut out pictures, words, phrases that represent this side of you. Each side should have a minimum of 5 items. 3. On a separate sheet of paper, label Ideal. List 5 things that represent the self you are striving to become. Place inside of the bag.

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