Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 1 Recommendations for the content of the NIRs and CRFs by Zoltan Somogyi, Sandro Federici and Günther Seufert.

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Presentation on theme: "Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 1 Recommendations for the content of the NIRs and CRFs by Zoltan Somogyi, Sandro Federici and Günther Seufert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 1 Recommendations for the content of the NIRs and CRFs by Zoltan Somogyi, Sandro Federici and Günther Seufert

2 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 2 Principle: transparently report all information that was used to arrive at any data or information and that was used explicitely or implicitely in obtaining emission and removal estimates

3 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 3 Gases gases estimated and not estimated why for gases not estimated Pools pools estimated and not estimated why for pools not estimated Methods/Tiers general: levels, changes since last submission, … assumptions (e.g. wood harvested counts as immediate emission)

4 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 4 Recalculations what (category) which years Time series consistency any inconsistent value? if yes: explain! (e.g. large fire or windthrow in that year)

5 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 5 Definition of Forest as a land cover: minimum area minimum crown closure minimum tree height minimum width any other specifically used characteristic complies with FAO definition? as a land use: definition of managed Definition of land use change = conversion A/R: length of transition period

6 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 6 Forest inventory: area estimates frequency, years method of area estimation annual change, and its drivers aggregation level of data used in the GHG inventory (e.g. species, regions etc.) accuracy of data

7 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 7 Forest inventory: tree data frequency, years method of extra/interpolation aggregation level of data used in the GHG inventory (e.g. species, regions etc.) data assessed that are used in the GHG inventory stock change, or increment – drain single tree or stand d and h, or v method (framework) and intensity of sampling any change in methodology between two inventories accuracy of data, especially that of growth rate (increasing or not, why etc.)

8 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 8 Inventory of harvests (for the process based method only) frequency and methodology of data collection sources of data possible bias? uncertainty estimate Inventory of other disturbances (e.g. fires; for the process based method only) for the process based method frequency and methodology of data collection sources of data uncertainty estimate

9 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 9 Biomass carbon estimation equations / factors? sources of information: e.g. default, forest inventory, scientific study, from another country…. uncertainty if factors are used: values + DEFINITION: from – to compartments aggregation level = dependency on species, region, dbh/age, … method of estimating belowground biomass any change in methodology since last year

10 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 10 DOM methodology activity data conversion factors sources of factors uncertainty estimate (at least expert judgement)

11 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 11 Soil methodology sources of data uncertainty estimate (at least expert judgement)

12 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 12 Non-CO 2 gases from burning activity data + data sources emission factors + data sources treatment of immediate and delayed emissions uncertainty information

13 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 13 Liming, fertilizaton activity data emission factor

14 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 14 Land transitions data availability any deforestations? methodology of GHG estimation: any difference from that for remaing forest methodology for D: area detection biomass before deforestation emissions from soils?

15 Ispra, 2 2 – 2 3 September 2005 - 15 The information in the MS reports is also used in the EU Inventory Report !

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