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Marketing Your Dream Dinners Franchise to Moms Versus Dads.

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1 Marketing Your Dream Dinners Franchise to Moms Versus Dads

2 Marketing Your Dream Dinners Franchise to Moms Versus Dads Family roles are quickly changing. Gone are the days where dad would be at the office all day while mom slaved away over the hot stove. Many of today’s moms and dads split the responsibilities of shopping, preparing and cooking for the family. Because of this, Dream Dinners franchisees should effectively be able to market their business to both moms and dads.Dream Dinners franchisees Marketing to moms is much different than marketing to dads, so being able tailor your messaging could help you drive more traffic into your Dream Dinners franchise. To help you understand the difference and maximize your marketing efforts, Dream Dinners franchise reviews how you should market your franchise to moms versus dads to better drive traffic and profits.Marketing to momsmarketing to dadsDream Dinners franchiseDream Dinners franchise reviews

3 Be where they are: Moms shouldn’t need to search for your solution; you need to provide it to them directly. Dream Dinners franchisees should centralize their marketing efforts and focus on where the mothers in their communities spend their time. Do they spend time at PTA meetings, church events or soccer games? Are they flocking to specific blogs or social networking sites? Do they favor shopping at one store over another? Determine where the mothers in your community spend their time, and target these specific areas in your marketing efforts.Dream Dinners franchiseestarget these specific areas in your marketing Marketing to Moms Tip #1

4 Use testimonials: When choosing brands to conduct business with, moms want to utilize brands they can relate to. To increase this sort of brand connection, Dream Dinners franchisees should use testimonials in their marketing materials as a way for moms to connect and identify with existing customers. At their next visit, ask your most loyal customers for a quick testimonial expressing why they’re grateful for Dream Dinners and how it has helped their family come together. Using these testimonials in your marketing efforts will be a powerful tool and will help mothers identify with your brand.Dream Dinners franchisees Marketing to Moms Tip #2

5 Make them feel good: Many of today’s advertisements targeted to dads are humor- based. Although all dads love a good laugh, we advise against using humor to sell your franchise to fathers. Instead, we suggest for Dream Dinners franchisees to focus on the positive aspects of fatherhood in their marketing efforts by prioritizing the idea of providing for their family, forming new relationships and feeling fulfilled. By focusing on these positive aspects of fatherhood, Dream Dinners franchisees can connect with fathers on a more emotional level, making them likely to become Dream Dinners customers.Dream Dinners franchiseesDream Dinners franchisees Marketing to Dads Tip #1

6 Focus on utility : When purchasing goods, men tend to focus on the product’s utility over other attributes. Because of this, Dream Dinners franchisees should focus their marketing efforts by demonstrating how Dream Dinners could be of use for them. For example, focus on the time Dream Dinners can save dads, how easy the meals are to make and the role that family dinners can play in forming healthy habits for your kids. By focusing on these practical aspects of the Dream Dinners experience along with tangible benefits, you will be better equipped to bring in more dads as customers.Dream Dinners franchisees Marketing to Dads Tip #2

7 Although there are many differences in marketing to moms and dads, there is one central tactic Dream Dinners franchisees can use for both parents: K.I.S.S—keep it short and sweet. Not only do many moms and dads work full- or part-time jobs, but they’re also tasked with raising their families, cleaning, running errands and more. The attention span for busy moms and dads are small due to these hectic schedules, so make sure to keep your messaging short so you won’t lose them along the way.Dream Dinners franchisees For more marketing tips, check out our article highlighting 3 networking tips to remember when attending your children’s events.3 networking tips to rememberwhen attending your children’s events Universal Tip: K.I.S.S.

8 Join the family of Dream Dinners franchisees by purchasing a Dream Dinners franchise for sale or bringing a new Dream Dinners to your community. To learn more about franchising with Dream Dinners, visit the Dream Dinners franchise information page today.Dream Dinners franchiseesDream Dinners franchise for saleDream Dinners franchise information Join the Family of Dream Dinners Franchisees Today!

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