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Embedding equality and diversity into everyday practice in further education and work-based learning provision has never been more important. Not only.

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Presentation on theme: "Embedding equality and diversity into everyday practice in further education and work-based learning provision has never been more important. Not only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Embedding equality and diversity into everyday practice in further education and work-based learning provision has never been more important. Not only is it ‘a good thing’, but more and more it is becoming a requirement: the consequences of not embracing equality and diversity can result in damaging litigation and/or a Skills Funding Agency notice to improve as a result of an Ofsted inspection judgement of ‘inadequate’ for the overall effectiveness of provision.



4 In the "full inclusion" setting, the students with special needs are always educated alongside students without special needs, while maintaining appropriate supports and services. At the extreme, full inclusion is the integration of all students, even those that require the most substantial educational and behavioural supports and services to be successful in regular classes and the elimination of segregated special education classes.

5 Equality and diversity needs to be embedded into all aspects of the curriculum: session planning and teaching methods assessment procedures inclusive resources and materials teaching which explores discrimination, harassment and victimisation because of disability, race, gender, sexual orientation, transgender, religion or belief, age and any other characteristic covered by the Equality Act 2010.



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