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NATIVE AMERICANS AND THE GREAT PLAINS Native Americans = first IMMIGRANTS -Bering Straits Land Bridge from ASIA (ASIATIC) during the ICE AGE Characteristics:

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Presentation on theme: "NATIVE AMERICANS AND THE GREAT PLAINS Native Americans = first IMMIGRANTS -Bering Straits Land Bridge from ASIA (ASIATIC) during the ICE AGE Characteristics:"— Presentation transcript:

1 NATIVE AMERICANS AND THE GREAT PLAINS Native Americans = first IMMIGRANTS -Bering Straits Land Bridge from ASIA (ASIATIC) during the ICE AGE Characteristics: NEO-LITHIC – Stone Age level of technology ANIMISTIC – Nature based spiritual religion COMMUNALISTIC – Tribe works together to survive HUNTER-GATHERERS – Nomadic lifestyle; little farming MANIFEST DESTINY!!!!! Native American’s pushed west to the GREAT PLAINS. The GREAT PLAINS considered the GREAT AMERICAN DESERT. WHY? Limited standing water No Trees Prairie Grass and thick sod = HARD TO PLOW

2 THE GREAT PLAINS Indians thrive on the Plains because of: –BUFFALO (15 million or more) –The Horse (introduced by Spanish) allowed Indians to hunt effectively Dozens of tribes shared the Plains and fought one another for control of hunting grounds WHITES TAKE BACK THE GREAT PLAINS. WHY? –Completion of TRANSCONTINENTAL RAILROAD (1869) –Better FARMING methods (plow / windmill) –Discovery of GOLD in Indian territory

3 War on Native Americans The “INDIAN WARS” 1862-1890 –Whites begin kicking Native Americans off the Plains –Indians are outnumbered and outgunned #1 TOOL TO DESTROY THE INDIANS: Destruction of the Buffalo Plains Indians needed the Buffalo for food, shelter, and resources Whites kill MILLIONS OF BUFFALO – by 1886 there are only 600 buffalo left. Whites consider Indians “savage”, “primitive”, “hostile”, etc…

4 The End of the Native American Way of Life Reservation Policy – Indians forced onto RESERVATIONS. Reservations on the worst land (Oklahoma and South Dakota) The Battle of Little Big Horn a.ka. CUSTER’S LAST STAND: George Armstrong Custer –GOLD found on INDIAN LAND in the BLACK HILLS of South Dakota. –The Government decides to kick the Indians off the land! General George Armstrong Custer and his 7th Cavalry attack June of 1876. –Crazy Horse & Sitting Bull – Sioux leaders Custer and all of his 264 men are killed The Nation is outraged and vows to crush all Indian tribes

5 “The only good Indian is a dead Indian” General Phil Sheridan AMERICANIZATION / ASSIMILATION US government decides to force assimilation on the Indians (AMERICANIZATION) Forcing Indians to live like white farmers. HOW? INDIAN TRIBES ABOLISHED BIA (Bureau of Indian Affairs) Supposed to help the Indians –Indians never get tools or training –Land is stolen by Speculators (Corruption!) WOUNDED KNEE 1890: Last “battle” between INDIANS and WHITES. Indians MASSACRED by US Soldiers.

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