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English Listening Intermediate Course Description 2012.9 Zengcheng College, SCNU next.

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Presentation on theme: "English Listening Intermediate Course Description 2012.9 Zengcheng College, SCNU next."— Presentation transcript:

1 English Listening Intermediate Course Description 2012.9 Zengcheng College, SCNU next

2 I. Course Requirements 四级要求: 1. 听懂英语国家人士关于日常生活和社会生活的谈话; 2. 听懂中等难度(如 TOEFL 中的短文)的听力材料,理 解大意,领会作者的态度、感情和真实意图。 3. 听懂 VOA 正常速度和 BBC 新闻节目的主要内容。能大 体 辨别各种英语变体(如美国英语、英国英语、澳大利 亚英语); 4. 能在 15 分钟内听写根据已学知识编写或选用的词数 为 200 个左右、语速为每分钟 120 个单词的录音材料, 错误率不超过 8% 。 -《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》

3 II. Course Objectives After completing this course, the students will learn: 1. to improve listening strategies; 2. to improve listening comprehension; 3. to increase vocabulary size;

4 II. Course Objectives 4. to improve pronunciation and conversation fluency; 5. to improve ability in taking TEM 4; 6. to foster listening skills in real-world contexts

5 III. Course Description This course 1. covers a variety of topics in real world context such as sports, traveling, interviews, entertainment, news reports, etc; 2. offers ample listening tasks and activities, both in books or online, to consolidate the key vocabulary and functional language;

6 III. Course Description 3. helps students to distinguish pattern of stress and pitch as well as linking and unstressed syllables; 4. teaches students various practical listening skills, such as predicting, rephrasing, recognizing the main ideas, outlining, etc.;

7 III. Course Description 5. offers training on TEM 4, including dictation, listening on conversation, passages and news broadcasts.

8 IV. Methods of Instruction 1.Lecturing 2.Individual practice 3.Pair and group work 4.Class discussion 5.Class activities

9 V. Course Policies and Requirements 1.Attendance Attend class on time. Absence without leave is not allowed. Two points from the final grade will be deducted for each absence. You will fail this course if you are absent without leave for 5 or more times in one semester. Being late for class 3 times will be counted as 1 absence.

10 VI. Course Policies and Requirements 2. Class participation Students are encouraged to participate in class discussion and activities. 3. Assignments Students should finish their assignments in time.

11 VI. Course Policies and Requirements 4. Quizzes Quizzes will be given at irregular intervals. No make up exams will be given. 5. Class Etiquette Turn off your mobile phone or turn it into vibration mode during class. 6. Food Do not bring food into classroom. Keep your desks clean.

12 VII. Grading 1. Attendance 5% 2. Class Participation 10% 3. Quizzes 30% 4. Final Exam 55%

13 VIII. Available Support Sources 普特英语听力 听力课堂 世博英语 6. 在线课程 : 英语听力 10

14 Thank You!

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