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Elcio Abdalla Perturbations around Black Hole solutions.

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1 Elcio Abdalla Perturbations around Black Hole solutions

2 Classical (non-relativistic) Black Hole The escape velocity is equal to the velocity of light Therefore,

3 The Schwarzschild Black Hole Birckhoff Theorem: a static spherically Symmetric solution must be of the form Schwartzschild solution in D=d+1 dimensions (d>2):

4 Properties of the BH solution Considering the solution for a large (not too heavy) cluster of matter (i.e. radius of distribution > 2M, G=1=c). In this case one finds the Newtonian Potential For heavy matter (namely highly concentrated) with radius R< 2M there is a so called event horizon where the g 00 vanishes. To an outsider observer, the subject falling into the Black Hole takes infinite time to arrive at R=2M

5 Properties of the BH solution Only the region r> 2M is relevant to external observers. Law of Black Hole dynamics: BH area always grows Quantum gravity: BH entropy equals 1/4 of BH area No hair theorem: BH can only display its mass (attraction), charge (Gauss law) and angular momentum (precession of gyroscope) to external observers

6 Reissner-Nordstrom solution For a Black Hole with mass M and charge q, in 4 dimensions, we have the solution

7 Cosmological Constant Einstein Equations with a nonzero cosmological constant are Λ>0 corresponds to de Sitter space Λ<0 corresponds to Anti de Sitter space

8 Lovelock Gravity


10 Black Holes with nontrivial topology



13 2+1 dimensional BTZ Black Holes General Solution where J is the angular momentum

14 2+1 dimensional BTZ Black Holes AdS space where -l 2 corresponds to the inverse of the cosmological constant Λ

15 Quasi Normal Modes First discovered by Gamow in the context of alpha decay Bell ringing near a Black Hole Can one listen to the form of the Black Hole? Can we listen to the form of a star?

16 Quasi normal modes expansion QNMs were first pointed out in calculations of the scattering of gravitational waves by Schwarzschild black holes. Due to emission of gravitational waves the oscillation mode frequencies become complex, the real part representing the oscillation the imaginary part representing the damping.

17 Wave dynamics in the asymptotically flat space-time Schematic Picture of the wave evolution: Shape of the wave front (Initial Pulse) Quasi-normal ringing Unique fingerprint to the BH existence Detection is expected through GW observation Relaxation K.D.Kokkotas and B.G.Schmidt, gr-qc/9909058

18 Excitation of the black hole oscillation Collapse is the most frequent source for the excitation of BH oscillation. Many stars end their lives with a supernova explosion. This will leave behind a compact object which will oscillate violently in the first few seconds. Huge amounts of gravitational radiation will be emitted. Merging two BHs Small bodies falling into the BH. Phase-transition could lead to a sudden contraction

19 Detection of QNM Ringing GW will carry away information about the BH The collapse releases an enormous amount of energy. Most energy carried away by neutrinos. This is supported by the neutrino observations at the time of SN1987A. Only 1% of the energy released in neutrinos is radiated in GW Energy emitted as GW is of order

20 Sensitivity of Detectors Amplitude of the gravitational wave for stellar BH for galactic BH Where E is the available energy, f the frequency and the r is the distance of the detector from the source. Anderson and Kokkotas, PRL77,4134(1996)

21 Sensitivity of Detectors An important factor for the detection of gravitational wave consists in the pulsation mode frequencies. The spherical and bar detectors 0.6-3kHz The interferometers are sensitive within 10-2000kHz For the BH the frequency will depend on the mass and rotation: 10 solar mass BH 1kHz 100 solar mass BH 100Hz Galactic BH 1mHz

22 Quasi-normal modes in AdS space-time AdS/CFT correspondence: The BH corresponds to an approximately thermal state in the field theory, and the decay of the test field corresponds to the decay of the perturbation of the state. The quasinormal frequencies of AdS BH have direct interpretation in terms of the dual CFT J.S.F.Chan and R.B.Mann, PRD55,7546(1997);PRD59,064025(1999) G.T.Horowitz and V.E.Hubeny, PRD62,024027(2000);CQG17,1107(2000) B.Wang et al, PLB481,79(2000);PRD63,084001(2001);PRD63,124004(2001); PRD65,084006(2002)

23 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS We consider the metric

24 Quasi Normal Modes We can consider several types of perturbations A scalar field in a BH background obeys a curved Klein-Gordon equation An EM field obeys a Maxwell eq in a curved background A metric perturbation obeys Zerilli’s eq.

25 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS We use the expansion

26 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS

27 Decay constant as a function of the Black Hole radius

28 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS Dependence on the angular momentum (l)

29 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS Solving the numerical equation

30 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS Solving the numerical equation

31 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS Result of numerical integration

32 Quasi normal modes in RN AdS Approaching criticality

33 Quasi normal modes in AdS topological Black Holes











44 Quasi normal modes in 2+1 dimensions For the AdS case

45 Quasi normal modes in 2+1 dimensional AdS BH Exact agreement: QNM frequencies & location of the poles of the retarded correlation function of the corresponding perturbations in the dual CFT. A Quantitative test of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

46 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes We live in a flat world with possibly a positive cosmological constant Supernova observation, COBE satellite Holographic duality: dS/CFT conjecture A.Strominger, hep-th/0106113 Motivation: Quantitative test of the dS/CFT conjecture E.Abdalla, B.Wang et al, PLB 538,435(2002)

47 Perturbations in dS spacetimes Small dependence on the charge of the BH Characteristic of space-time (cosmological constant)

48 2+1-dimensional dS spacetime The metric of 2+1-dimensional dS spacetime is: The horizon is obtained from

49 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes Scalar perturbations is described by the wave equation Adopting the separation The radial wave equation reads

50 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes Using the Ansatz The radial wave equation can be reduced to the hypergeometric equation

51 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes For the dS case

52 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes Investigate the quasinormal modes from the CFT side: For a thermodynamical system the relaxation process of a small perturbation is determined by the poles, in the momentum representation, of the retarded correlation function of the perturbation

53 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes Define an invariant P(X,X’)associated to two points X and X’ in dS space The Hadamard two-point function is defined as Which obeys

54 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes We obtain where The two point correlator can be got analogously to hep-th/0106113; NPB625,295(2002)

55 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes Using the separation : The two-point function for QNM is

56 Perturbations in the dS spacetimes The poles of such a correlator corresponds exactly to the QNM obtained from the wave equation in the bulk. This work has been recently extended to four- dimensional dS spacetimes hep-th/0208065 These results provide a quantitative support of the dS/CFT correspondence

57 Conclusions and Outlook Importance of the study in order to foresee gravitational waves Comprehension of Black Holes and its cosmological consequences Relation between AdS space and Conformal Field Theory Relation between dS space and Conformal Field Theory Sounds from gravity at extreme conditions

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