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Better Regulation in the EU 15 countries OECD studies financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise Rolf Alter, Daniel Trnka OECD.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Regulation in the EU 15 countries OECD studies financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise Rolf Alter, Daniel Trnka OECD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Regulation in the EU 15 countries OECD studies financed by the European Commission, DG Enterprise Rolf Alter, Daniel Trnka OECD

2 An OECD partnership with the European Commission Follow up to a review of NMS by SIGMA Comprehensive regulatory policy reviews of half the OECD membership A shared exploit over two years: 22 peer reviewers from 16 countries Nearly 400 meetings with officials, business, civil society, unions, consumers, academics and many others Introduction: the EU 15 project

3 "Mind the gap" between principles and practice Principles for better regulation now in place Context matters: institutional, legal, cultural diversity Different pathways moving toward common goals But…. no room for complacency What has been learnt?

4 Institutional leadership and oversight, to drive reform priorities and anticipate risks Evidence-based impact assessments, to support policy coherence Consultation with users, to find out what they really have on their minds Systematic management of existing regulatory stock Communication and co-ordination across governments, especially at the international level The role of regulatory agencies, getting the balance right between private and state responsibilities Performance and progress, tools for evaluation and measurement Towards stronger regulatory governance

5 EU x MS regulatory interface 50% of domestic regulations have roots in Brussels Negotiating EU legislation in the Council and the Parliament – insufficient use of IA, guidance, training Transposing EU legislation – reduced clarity, goldplating, incompatibility with national legislation

6 Issues at the EU level Application of SmartReg principles across all institutions and MS Widening of the programme on reducing other compliance costs Preventing new burdens to emerge (including institutional set up) Improved stakeholders engagement

7 Potential review at the EU level Complementary to the EU 15 project A thorough and accurate picture of the status quo vis á vis the OECD Principles Reviewing regulation-making processes, management of the regulatory stock, institutional set up, implementation Comparison to major trading/investment partners, such as USA The review might include other regulatory reform areas – trade, innovation, multi-level governance, infrastructure

8 Why is OECD the best place Regulatory policy/reform/management – originate from the OECD work Internationally recognised principles in place OECD has reviewed most of the member countries + Brazil, China, Russia, Indonesia The review methodology draws on evidence gathered throughout 15 years Peer review mechanism well tested

9 Thank you!

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