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V. Megalooikonomou Object-Oriented and Object-Relational DBMSs (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and Sudarshan and notes by C. Faloutsos at CMU) Temple.

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Presentation on theme: "V. Megalooikonomou Object-Oriented and Object-Relational DBMSs (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and Sudarshan and notes by C. Faloutsos at CMU) Temple."— Presentation transcript:

1 V. Megalooikonomou Object-Oriented and Object-Relational DBMSs (based on notes by Silberchatz,Korth, and Sudarshan and notes by C. Faloutsos at CMU) Temple University – CIS Dept. CIS616– Principles of Data Management

2 Detailed outline OO DBMSs OR DBMS complex data types inheritance UDFs ORACLE-specific extensions Conclusions

3 Why more than RDBMSs? RDBMS: tuples, of numbers + strings What apps need only those?

4 Why more than RDBMSs? RDBMS: tuples, of numbers + strings What apps need only those? Banks Airlines Retailer stores... Q: Other apps, with more req’s?

5 Why more than RDBMS’s Q: Other apps, with more req’s? A: text multimedia; financial apps/forecasting Geographic Inf. Sys. CAD/CAM Network management

6 Their specs? complex objects (sets/vectors) inheritance new data types (image, video,...) and user defined functions (UDFs)

7 Two solutions: Object Oriented DBMSs Object Relational DBMSs

8 OO DBMS roughly, ‘C++’ with persistence commercial systems: O2; ObjectStore; Objectivity Object Database Management Group (ODMG): defined standards BUT: OODBMS have small market share Hence: OR-DBMSs

9 OR DBMSs traditional DBMS with attempts to provide enriched data types user defined data types support for large / complex objects inheritance

10 SQL-3 proposed extensions complex types (sets, lists, multisets) inheritance (IS-A hierarchies) User Defined Functions (UDFs)

11 Complex types e.g., create type MyDate ( day decimal(2), month char(3), year decimal (4) );

12 Complex types e.g., Row Types: create row type Doc ( callnum varchar2(10), title char(20), authors list (varchar2(20)) ); create table document of type Doc;

13 Complex types DML - insertions: insert into document values (‘QA123.45’, ‘DB systems’, set(‘Smith’, ‘Johnson’) );

14 Inheritance single inheritance: create type Person ( ssn varchar2(10), name char(20)); create type Student (major varchar2(5)) under Person;

15 Inheritance multiple inheritance: create type Teacher ( salary integer) under Person; create type TA under Student, Teacher;

16 Inheritance multiple inheritance: constraints: one TA record corresponds to exactly one ‘Teacher’ and ‘Student’ record insertions/deletions/updates: appropriately propagated.

17 Object Ids and references can define ‘object ids’ for each object, and use them, effectively as pointers.

18 Query language extensions (recall:) create row type Doc ( callnum varchar2(10), title char(20), authors list (varchar2(20)) ); create table document of type Doc; find titles, (co-)authored by ‘Smith’

19 Query language extensions select title from document where ‘Smith’ in authors;

20 SQL-3 proposed extensions - overview complex types (sets, lists, multisets) inheritance (IS-A hierarchies) User Defined Functions (UDFs)

21 UDFs create function author-count (adoc document) returns integer as select count (authors) from adoc; select title from document d where author-count(d) > 1

22 UDFs UDFs: stay within the DBMS, for everybody to use!

23 Detailed outline OO DBMSs OR DBMS complex data types inheritance UDFs ORACLE-specific extensions Conclusions

24 ORACLE-specific Large objects PL/SQL and UDFs

25 ORACLE-specific Large objects, e.g., video, images, 3d- MRI scans new data types:

26 ORACLE-specific Large objects, e.g., video, images, 3d- MRI scans new data types: LOB (=Large OBject) BLOB: (up to 4Gb; binary: jpeg, mpeg,...) CLOB: (up to 2Gb; character: english text) NCLOB:(..............; multi-byte characters) (LONG: similar, for backwards compatibility)

27 ORACLE-specific stored procedures PL/SQL: a ‘C’-like language too large to describe here… example of a stored procedure:

28 ORACLE-specific SQL> create or replace procedure del-st-rec (s-id number) as begin delete from student where s-id = ssn; end del-st-rec; SQL> execute del-st-rec ( 123 );

29 Illustra  Informix  IBM’s Informix Dynamic Server Illustra Informix Dynamic Server (Universal Data Option) IBM DB2 Universal Database – Informix Product family

30 Illustra  Informix  IBM’s Informix Dynamic Server Datablades technology - extensions for specific data domains Image Text Geodetic Spatial Time series Video Web

31 Informix - Sample SQL queries COMPUTE VOLUME OF A GIVEN STRUCTURE return volume((select unique image from structures where side='Left' and atlas='Brodmann' and name='17')) ; DISPLAY GIF OF ALL LESIONS SUMMED UP insert into temp_image_1 values(permanent(map_image(sum_images(( select image from patient_images where image.description='All Lesions')), 'redgreenscale'))) ; select TS.SliceNo, slice(TS.SliceNo,overlay.image)::GIF as LesionDensity from TalairachSlices TS, temp_image_1 overlay order by SliceNo ;

32 Detailed outline OO DBMSs OR DBMS complex data types inheritance UDFs ORACLE-specific extensions Informix Conclusions

33 OO and OR DBMS strive for complex data types inheritance UDFs OR DBMSs: overwhelming market share (why?)

34 Conclusions OR DBMSs: overwhelming market share (why?) SQL is more standardized than OO query languages legacy data are in SQL more SQL programmers are available

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