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New words and phrases: 文章 专家 比率 疾病 突发事件,紧急情况 一代,一辈 考虑,体谅 接生 偶然遇见,偶然发现 为 … 准备 继续 article specialist rate sickness emergency generation consideration.

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Presentation on theme: "New words and phrases: 文章 专家 比率 疾病 突发事件,紧急情况 一代,一辈 考虑,体谅 接生 偶然遇见,偶然发现 为 … 准备 继续 article specialist rate sickness emergency generation consideration."— Presentation transcript:



3 New words and phrases: 文章 专家 比率 疾病 突发事件,紧急情况 一代,一辈 考虑,体谅 接生 偶然遇见,偶然发现 为 … 准备 继续 article specialist rate sickness emergency generation consideration deliver come across be intended for carry on

4 Fast reading Q1. Which period did Lin Qiaozhi live in? She lived in the early 20 th century? Q2. True or false: After reading about Lin Qiaozhi, the writer was moved by what she did, so she decided to study medicine. T

5 Careful Reading Q. From Para.1, what can we infer( 推断 )? A. The writer ’ s homework was to change her life. B. The writer liked biology and chemistry. C. The writer was a middle school student. D. The writer was studying at university. Para1

6 Q. Why did Lin Qiaozhi write a small book? A.It explained how to cut the death rate from having and caring for babies.caring for B.She wanted to make money. C.It was intended for women who lived in the countryside and could not reach a doctor.was intended for D. Both A and C. para2 the birth rate

7 Para. 3 Q1. Was it easy for a woman to get medical education at that time? Why? Q2. What made Lin Qiaozhi famous? No, it wasn ’ t. Because at that time women ’ s education was always placed second to men ’ s. It was her kindness and the consideration she showed to all her patients.

8 Para 4. What were her sacrifices( 牺牲 )? She devoted her whole life to her patients and chose not to have a family of her own.

9 1.How many words can you find in the text used to describe Lin Qiaozhi? Qualities considerate determined kind gentle- natured devoted hard working Comprehending

10 2.Three achievements of Lin Qiaozhi She became a specialist in women’s diseases. She got a medical training for her career. She made sure that about 50,000 babies were safely delivered to their mothers.

11 3.What methods did the writer use to find out about Lin Qiaozhi? What can you learn about how to do research? The writer found out about Lin Qiaozhi by asking questions. One question led to another as her interest in Lin Qiaozhi developed. This is how scientists and other researchers find out more about their chosen subjects. It is an easy but very effective method of researching a new subject.

12 deliver a baby 接生; deliver 传送;送交;为 ······ 接生,助产; Letters are delivered every day. 1. 信件是每天递送的。 (translation) 2. She ______ three babies every day on average. A.have B.has C.delivers D.delivered 怀孕 / 生孩子; 3. She ______ her baby in hospital. A.had B.has C.delivers D.delivered have a baby C A be delivered of a baby: 生孩子

13 be intended for 解释 “ 为 …… 而准备, 预定 ” e.g. The chair was intended for you but she took it away. be intended to do 意思是;是用来; 打算供 … 使用 The dictionary is intended for the Beginners.


15 Listen to the tape again and take notes on the three problems given in the listening. 1.__________________________________ __________________ 2.__________________________________ ____________________________ 3.__________________________________ ___________________________________ _______ Girls have more difficulty getting an education than boys. Women have more difficulty getting to the top of their chosen career. Women are more likely to give up their careers to look after children or run the house.

16 Listen to the tape once more and try to spell out the missing words as you hear them. Fill in the blanks and read the sentences aloud with correct stress and intonation. 1 This way of thinking _________ some girls from training for a _______. prevents career

17 2 Unless women are given the ___________, they will never be able to show that they can ____ __________ successfully. 3 These are women’s ______________ while men do not have this problem. They can work long ______ and go on _______ ________. opportunity run companies responsibilities hours business trips

18 Listening text I don’t think women are given a fair chance to have as good a career as men for three reasons. First, girls have more difficulty getting an education than boys. If there is little money in the family, boys will get the first chance to go to school. Even if girls do begin school, they often leave ARE WOMEN GIVEN A FAIR CHANCE?

19 earlier to help the family or to go to work. It is often felt that girls will marry and look after another family but that boys must earn money for the family. This way of thinking prevents some girls from training for a career. Second, women have more difficulty getting to the top of their chosen career.

20 Most people who run companies are men. So they choose other men to succeed them. This means that women get fewer chances to show how good they are at running businesses. Unless they are given the opportunity, they will never be able to show that they can run companies successfully.

21 Third, women are more likely to give up their careers to look after children or run the house. This is because these kind of responsibilities are considered women’s work. However, men do not have this problem. They can work long hours and go on business trips. They can improve their career chances since the family is cared for at home.


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