CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 CSE 486/586 Distributed Systems The Internet in 2 Hours: The First Hour Steve Ko Computer Sciences and Engineering University.

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 CSE 486/586 Distributed Systems The Internet in 2 Hours: The First Hour Steve Ko Computer Sciences and Engineering University."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 CSE 486/586 Distributed Systems The Internet in 2 Hours: The First Hour Steve Ko Computer Sciences and Engineering University at Buffalo

2 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Recap Please make an effort to come to every class. Please do the work yourself and get permissions for other sources. Also, acknowledge them. Please check if you have the background by doing PA1 all by yourself. This course is about: –Introducing common problems that arise when building a distributed system –Discussing algorithms, architectures, and abstractions that solve those problems –Practicing how to adapt those algorithms and concepts 2

3 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Today and Next A brief overview of the Internet Two things –The design philosophy of the Internet (“The Design Philosophy of the DARPA Internet Protocols” by David Clark): today –Transport & application layers: next lecture Obviously can’t replace a networking course; this should be just a recap for you. Why teach these? –Because I want to ;-) –If there’s no network, there’s no distributed system. –Not just that: the design of the Internet is a great example of designing a solid distributed system. 3

4 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 What Is the Internet? 1969 4

5 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 What Is the Internet? 1977 5

6 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 What Is the Internet? Now A network of networks The fundamental goal of the original designers: interconnecting different networks by designing common protocols 6

7 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 7 Detour: What is a Protocol? Example: making an appointment Well…I think we need a better way… Please meet with me for 1.5 hours starting at 1:30pm on February 8, 2006? I can’t. Yes! Please meet with me for 1.5 hours starting at 3:00pm on February 8, 2006? Please meet with me for 1.5 hours starting at 4:30pm on February 8, 2006?

8 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 8 Detour: What Is a Protocol? Bob: When are you free to meet for 1.5 hours during the next two weeks? Alice: 10:30am on Feb 8 and 1:15pm on Feb 9. Bob: Book me for 1.5 hours at 10:30am on Feb 8. Alice: Yes.

9 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 9 Detour: What is a Protocol? An agreement between entities in communication –Two things: 1) syntax, 2) semantics Syntax –What language? –What’s the time format? Granularity? –Etc. Semantics –If broken into pieces, how do you reassemble? –If a msg gets lost, what do you do? –If you get a msg, what do you do? –Etc.

10 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Returning back: What Is the Internet? A network of networks The fundamental goal of the original designers: interconnecting different networks by designing common protocols 10

11 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 CSE 486/586 Administrivia Once again, no recitations. –I think office hours are much more effective. PA 1 is out. Please try it yourself. Please use Piazza; all announcements will go there. –Anonymous/private posting: generally questions are beneficial to the whole class; please consider posting it publicly first. Please come to my office during the office hours! –Give feedback about the class, ask questions, etc. Extra credit for good code styles. –Everyone will get a chance. –We will randomly pick one out of PA2 – PA4 and examine the style. –Use the Android code style guideline posted on Piazza. 11

12 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Building the Internet Why care? –Now: you might be just doing what’s given to you. –Later: you will likely define what you want to do and do it. Internet as a case study of a distributed system –Put a designer’s hat on for a moment. Questions to think about: –Why? i.e., why do we want to connect computers? –What is the ideal outcome? i.e., what do we want? –How do we do that? 12

13 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Why and What Why –“The whole can be greater than the sum of its parts” What –Internet communication must continue despite loss of networks or gateways. –The Internet must support multiple types of communications service. –The Internet architecture must accommodate a variety of networks. –The Internet architecture must permit distributed management of its resources. –The Internet architecture must be cost effective. –The Internet architecture must permit host attachment with a low level of effort. –The resources used in the Internet architecture must be accountable. 13

14 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 How to Interconnect? There were many types of networks based on various physical media. –Coax, radio, satellite, etc. The original designers wanted to interconnect those somehow. A potential solution –Designing a “multi-media” network (e.g., via physical signal translator for various physical media) Solution chosen? –Hint: “All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection.” --- David Wheeler –Connecting by layering with packet switching –(We will not cover packet switching vs. circuit switching) 14

15 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 15 Layering: A Modular Approach Sub-divide the problem –Each layer relies on services from layer below –Each layer exports services to layer above Interface between layers defines interaction –Hides implementation details –Layers can change without disturbing other layers “The” computer science approach –ISA, OS, networking… Link hardware Host-to-host connectivity Application-to-application channels Application

16 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Challenges in Layering What to put on top of physical networks? Assumption (for the sake of the discussion): –Packet switching (a conversation is divided into smaller units called packets). Basic things for enabling a conversation between remote hosts: –Addressing (where do I send a msg?) –Routing (how do I reach that address?) Most importantly, survivability –Protection of a conversation as long as there’s a physical path between entities communicating and they are alive. What are some of the threats that disrupt a conversation? –Packet loss, out-of-order delivery, duplicate packets, etc. 16

17 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 We Must Ask Ourselves… In a conversation, there are two components involved –Hosts –Network So, one more question: where do we want to put the functionalities? More specifically, what would be a good network/host division of labor? Addressing and routing? –Yeah, probably in the network What about conversation protection mechanisms? –The network or hosts? 17

18 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 Summary The Internet –A network of networks –A case study as a distributed system Protocol –An agreement between multiple parties –Syntax & semantics Design a system –Why, what, and how The Internet –Connecting by layering 18

19 CSE 486/586, Spring 2014 19 Acknowledgements These slides contain material developed and copyrighted by –Indranil Gupta at UIUC –Mike Freedman and Jen Rexford at Princeton

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