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My Money Map JULIANA, MADISON, BRETT, ALEX. What is My Money Map? Map your own financial plan and see your finances in a whole new way. With one click,

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Presentation on theme: "My Money Map JULIANA, MADISON, BRETT, ALEX. What is My Money Map? Map your own financial plan and see your finances in a whole new way. With one click,"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is My Money Map? Map your own financial plan and see your finances in a whole new way. With one click, you can track your spending, budgeting and savings in easy-to-understand charts. Establish short- and long-term goals and budgets. Your information is automatically updated, so you can monitor your progress and adjust if needed.


4 My Spending Report Track every purchase and payment you make with your eligible Wells Fargo credit cards, Debit Cards, checks, and Bill Pay using My Spending Report, Wells Fargo’s free online money management tool.  Watch where your money goes  Track your income and deposits  View graphs and charts  Set up your own budget goals


6 Budget Watch Stay on top of your monthly expenses with Budget Watch. Use our helpful tools to track spending, set up online budget goals and efficiently manage your money. Set budget goals  Create monthly spending goals using the Budget Watch feature – it’s easy with your actual spending history on-hand to guide you. See "What’s Left"  We update your Budget Summary each business day, so you always know how close you are to meeting your goals. Use What’s Left to pay down debt, build your savings, and more!


8 My Savings Plan  A free online tool for Wells Fargo savings customers, My Savings Plan gives you an easy way to save for your goals and automatically monitor your progress. With My Savings Plan, you're one step closer to reaching your financial goals.


10 Pros  -Tracks spending.  -Allows you to set goals and helps you stay on track with those goals.  -Monitors and tracks your progress.  -Helps design a financial plan.

11 Cons  - You can’t use the program if you are not a member of Wells Fargo.  Previous months balance doesn’t roll over to the next month.

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