EUROCAE WG 73: UAS integration Elements for the European Commission UAS panel Presentation at Workshop 2 UAS insertion into airspace Gérard Mardiné (SAFRAN-Sagem)

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Presentation on theme: "EUROCAE WG 73: UAS integration Elements for the European Commission UAS panel Presentation at Workshop 2 UAS insertion into airspace Gérard Mardiné (SAFRAN-Sagem)"— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROCAE WG 73: UAS integration Elements for the European Commission UAS panel Presentation at Workshop 2 UAS insertion into airspace Gérard Mardiné (SAFRAN-Sagem) vice-Chairman WG73 Brussels, 13th September 2011

2 Organisation and synthetic concept views –Established in 2006 following Eurocontrol-JAA Task Force –Scope: flight ops, UAS crew qualification, airworthiness/certification Also supported Frequency spectrum claim to ITU –Multidisciplinary Group: Eurocontrol, EASA, Pilots, ATCos, ANSP, CAAs, Industry, Labs –Liaison with US counterpart RTCA SC 203, FAA –Goal is to produce relevant standards as a basis for future regulations All areas of aviation have to be addressed (Ops, FCL,…) Wide range of UAS types and features All types of airspace: classes A to G and airspace allocation Safety and interoperability demonstration Acceptability by manned aviation community… UAS flight ops in non segregated airspace: a very complex issue Seamless full UAS integration is the end goal but is not considered affordable and realistic in one single step in a short timeframe WG73: a multidisciplinary Group with more than 200 registered members

3 Key ideas Standards must allow aviation community to understand how safely UAS insertion is managed: Do the job only once! Addresses a very wide scope: Compatibility with all areas of manned aviation –Justification process: safety, performance, interoperability Standards must have a feasible implementation –Cannot be derived only from analysis of existing regulations (Manned aviation) –Solutions (generic) must be assessed to consolidate standards Organized technical activities are needed to support definition of standards –Modelling & Simulation, Test & Evaluation Demonstration of compliance with standards has to be affordable for applicants Wide commonality for civil / state UAS integration in airspace Challenges, gaps and technical issues have already been identified Combination of realistic industrial, operational and market considerations Considering that manned aviation is presently the most important airspace user Coordination of all necessary activities: technical, standards, regulations… Standardization is key for acceptability by aviation community Establish a trade-off between UAS capabilities and timeframe Progressively increasing UAS capabilities and supporting market growth Both a realistic vision and a pragmatic methodology are needed

4 EUROCAE WG73 present views Sc#1: IFR en-route operations in airspace class A,B,C (ATC sep) –Best short/medium term trade-off scenario: affordability of safety demonstration, technical readiness, UAS flight capabilities –Workplan established and agreed June 2010, work in progress, 2 steps »Recommendations (initial trade-off): spring 2012 »Requirements (standard): end 2013 –Present ATM structure considered: Feedback about UAS ops is needed ASAP »Monitoring SESAR progress and potential benefits for UAS insertion –Strong dependency on ongoing supporting technical activities (MIDCAS,…) –Extension to more capabilities (airspace D,E) as soon as efficiently practicable Sc#2: VLOS operations of small UAS (limited range and height above ground) –Workplan under definition: definition of sub scenarios –Less (but some) interactions with airspace integration 2 initial scenarios are being progressed (as part of the overall UAS insertion approach)

5 EUROCAE WG73 activities Share an innovative and pragmatic methodological approach –Goal is to define a domain in which UAS ops can be demonstrated as safe and acceptable…not to demonstrate that it is not safe and not acceptable! –Iterative approach to consolidate consistent requirements and solutions »No solid requirements (need for quantification: ex:pass well clear) »Check for acceptability by aviation community as soon as structuring choices can be assessed and justified Share the key issues for acceptability by manned aviation: safety, interoperability (including predictability…) Remain focussed on the objective –Firstly address issues that are on the critical path, not what is easy to address! Coordination between regulatory bodies activities and standardization activities Coordination between standardization activities and supporting technical activities Lack of skilled resources, partly due to lack of pertinent outputs provided by supporting activities Definition of key inputs: ex: safety target for the risk of mid-air collision Present challenges & ways for improvement

6 Ideas for further accelerated progress An overall ambitious but realistic UAS insertion roadmap has to be established and agreed, defining: –Required coordination between all relevant activities: technical, standardization, regulatory activities… Who is doing what? ex: safety assessments Considering validation & demonstration requirements –Steps towards full seamless integration Including projects and demonstration to support the roadmap –Articulation with structuring aviation evolutions (SESAR) Balancing innovation vs. safety demonstration vs. timeframe for deployment –Benefiting from all skilled European bodies: authorities, industry, aeronautical labs –Maintaining liaison with US activities –Multidisciplinary Group with the relevant skills –Authority to enforce development of the roadmap Including periodic review and adaptations of the roadmap The European vision of UAS insertion has to be consolidated into a European UAS programme and shared by all stakeholders All relevant European (and national) projects should include support to standardization activities A European Steering Group to manage the progress of the European UAS insertion programme

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