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Human Impact and the Environment

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Presentation on theme: "Human Impact and the Environment"— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Impact and the Environment
Chapter 22

2 Earth’s Layers Geosphere Hydrosphere Atmosphere Biosphere

3 Biodiversity Species diversity Genetic diversity Species richness
Species evenness How do you study these factors? Are they equally important? Genetic diversity Affects a populations ability to adapt when faced with environmental change.

4 Benefits of Biodiversity
Why is your quality of life impacted by the extinction of species?

5 Environmental Issues Pollution Smog Ozone thinning Global warming
Nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, organics, ozone Ozone thinning CFC’s deplete ozone Could lead to new cases of skin cancer Global warming A complex issue.

6 Ozone Layer What is it? Why is it important?
What factors seems to affect the ozone layer?


8 Acid Precipitation

9 Land and Water Pollution
Biological magnification Everyone’s problem

10 Bald Eagles and Lead Poisoning--Biomagnification

11 Ecosystem Disruption Extinction Passenger Pigeon Tasmanian Tiger

12 Ecosystem imbalances Some species are critical to the functioning of ecosystems. These species are called keystone species. Ever built the arch at the Science Center? Can the arch stand without the keystone?

13 Keystone species Prairie Dogs have long been vilified by ranchers and others who believe that they damage the range and take valuable forage away from cattle and other livestock. In fact, prairie dogs are what is known as a keystone species, a species whose very presence contributes to the diversity of life and whose extinction would result in the extinction of species dependent on it.

14 The grazing and burrowing activities of prairie dogs improve forage quality, conserve water and improve soil

15 Human Resource Use Human’s use 55% of the primary production of the Earth Ecological footprint: human impact on ecosystems Sustainability: the ability to meet human needs in such a way that a human population can survive indefinitely. (what is the Earth’s Carrying Capacity?)

16 Environmental Solutions
Conservation Biology: identify, protect and manage areas that still have biodiversity. Restoration Biology: repair damaged ecosystems (have you seen the “Prairie Restoration” signs on the highway?)

17 Species and Habitats Bioindicators: species that are very sensitive to environmental change. Ex. Amphibians,

18 Whooping Crane In 1935 only about 15 individuals left.
2011 census indicates around 600 individuals. Is this a conservation success story?

19 Protecting Ecosystems
Biodiversity Hotspots Regions richest in biodiversity but in need of protection.

20 Governments and Laws: protect endangered species, set aside land to protect habitats, clean up pollution, regulate destructive activities such as mining. Ecotourism: a way for developing countries to protect their biodiversity.

21 Urban Ecology. What can you do? What do you do?

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